Saturday, January 20, 2024

another boring post about the cold and kittens

Sitting here Wednesday morning waiting for it to get above freezing so I can go over and let the kittens out of the shed and so I can haul everything out and clean it up in there. There are 5 potted plants in there that my sister had moved in in anticipation of winter and while I put plastic bottles in 3 of them to prevent the kittens from using them as a toilet, they managed to do so anyway and dirt is spread out all around as well as kitty litter scattered from them using the litter box which they did mostly. We have two days of not freezing nights and then Friday night dipping back into the 20s. I have no idea if I’ll be able to get them back in for that one night or not. 

And so I went and opened the door to the shed wide and Momcat scooted out immediately and she was gone but the three kittens were very hesitant, like ‘what fresh hell is this’ but eventually they ventured out and back in and out as I was hauling the boxes and litter box out and two of the plants. Got my broom out of the shop and swept the shed out. My plan was to water the two pots thoroughly but the outdoor faucet is frozen so I’ll have to wait til it thaws out. Fed the kittens under the porch and then had to come back home for water which I took back over and put in their dish.


Slept late this Friday morning, nearly 8:30 when I got up, Cat snuggled up on one side and Minnie under the covers on the other. First thing fill the cat’s food bowl, fill the bird feeder, fill the dog’s dry food bowl, take my meds, and finally get my first cup of coffee.

Lots of plans for today, or rather, lots of things I could do today…clear the big back yard of the fallen branches, of which there are a lot even though I’ve already collected 4 cart loads (including a big ass limb that dragged our internet cable to the ground but fortunately didn’t pull it loose), from the wind of the last cold front and haul them to the burn pile, take one more bucket of pecans from the small box I held back to get cracked because now I’m thinking I didn’t shell enough, make some spiced pecans from a recipe my neighbor Gary gave me, sort through one or two of the tubs of my sister’s christmas ornaments and decorations because I have an idea to make a mobile or two or three with them; the ornaments, not the decorations though those need to be sorted and offered to her daughters and grandkids, like the embroidered, sequined, and beaded christmas tree skirt that our mother made. Or I could finally hang the rest of my crystals and finish clearing off the small work table. We’ll see what actually gets accomplished.

Now, one more cold night tonight and I’m sure I can get the kittens in the shed again and then next week I try to trap the little girl cat and get her to the vet to get fixed.


Another day gone by and I did get the kittens in the shed easily and Momcat but Momcat wanted out so I let her out. I did get the sticks picked up, two cart loads full,

I got another bucket of pecans cracked, I made the ‘spiced’ pecans which aren’t spicy at all and I sort of don’t even like them (1 pound pecans, 1/2 stick butter, 3 T worcestershire sauce, and 3 tsp seasoned salt baked at 250˚ for 1 hour stirring every 15 minutes - picture pre-roasting),

I did get fishing line tied to the last 7 crystals but didn’t get them hung because I need more cup hooks and the small work table is still cluttered and the tubs of christmas stuff are still untouched.

Last night was the last night below freezing for the foreseeable future and today and tomorrow are going to be high 40˚s cold but after that we are going back to our normal winter weather, or what used to be our normal winter weather. Nothing blooming in the yard now. Everything is black, brown, or laying on the ground. I peeked under the covering to see if the mustard greens survived and they look good but won’t know about the cabbages until Monday when I uncover everything.

Cat’s new favorite place…warming up her butt on the mac mini.

Time to go release the kittens.


  1. Just taking care of all the animals is quite a bit of work, Ellen. Add in the plants and tree limbs and that would do me for the day. We had a ton of branches and sticks to clean up after our bout of crazy wind. I dislike getting up the small twigs the most. There are so many of them!
    I'm sorry you're feeling down. I'd tell you that it's so normal but you already know that. Do what you can/want to, and let that be that.

    1. being active helps me cope oddly enough. sort of burns it out of me. too busy to fixate on whatever set it off. plus time. these spells usually only last about 3 days. I don't bother with the smallest twigs but my neighbor at the other end of the street picks up even those. his front yard is pristine. and he has two big pecan trees in the front.

  2. Today is supposed to be super cold here, but it's 33 degrees right now (at 1:20 p.m.) & that doesn't seem all that extra cold to me, but that might be my inner Ohioan talking. (OK, I just looked at the weather app - it's really 28 - the sun must be on our outside thermometer. I guess that's cold.) Anyway, the whole idea of it being cold out there is making me even less in the mood to do work than usual. So I guess what I'm saying is bravo to what you've accomplished!

    1. hovering around freezing is doable. 20s, teens? nope nope nope.

  3. After a week of 20-30 degrees below freezing, 41°F this coming Thursday for me. T-shirt weather.

    1. I didn't think I would survive 3 below. I'd just be a popsicle at 20 below.

  4. Had a conversation with someone from Birmingham AL who froze their butt off. I said I would take my winters over their summers anytime

    1. more the fool you. I spent one winter in Chicago and that was enough for a lifetime.

  5. I love the new command: Release the kittens!

    1. two of them were up in the loft. easy to get up but not so easy to get down.

  6. This is only my second winter in a cold climate. I am getting used to it. I do have about 12 outdoor plants, some of rather substantial size, sitting in my dining room. I hope they make it through the winter. I hope they get out of my dining room soon too.

    Come back home Kitties!

    1. all my big ones are in the garage, just no way to get them in the house. but I do have plenty in the house. usually lizards or frogs come in with them but not this year. I spent one winter in Chicago. nope, not for me. not something I want to get used to.

  7. It was in the 70's today, but overcast. Yesterday was weather perfection. But now, the rain is coming, for days. Still beats the crap out of Spokane. This morning they had freezing rain, then it warmed up and now it will rain until February 3. I admire your efforts with the feral kittens.

    1. we're back to warmer temps but I guess we're getting the rain you had because it's raining now and predicted for the next three days. I'm a soft touch for the ferals I guess. determined to get them all fixed because we don't need more feral cats around here. there's a black one that slinks around but you can't get close to it at all.

  8. I am glad that I don’t have pets! Cleaning up after cats is not my chosen path in life!

    1. as much as you travel it would be hard to have a pet anyway.

  9. I think cabbages should cope with cold OK, but you had some REAL cold, so who knows.

    I was so happy to get my plants outside and clean up around them, so I'm appreciating your description of that same task!

    1. I was going to take some of the smaller pots out of the house and garage today but it's raining with rain predicted for the next three days so it may not get done til the end of the week.

  10. You did enough, Ellen! Take a break!
    We are covered with snow here in Illinois and it has been too cold to melt at all. It's fine because I have good books to read and lots of chores to ignore while I stay warm inside!

    1. I spent one winter in Chicago. it was the worst winter of my life. all that constant snow, ice, and wind.

  11. Thanks for introducing me to spiced nuts, I'll have been gifted a large box of walnuts, not yet shelled, and will try this now.
    I wonder if mom cat might vanish and leave you to it with her offspring, now that they have a regular feeder.

    1. you did see the part where they weren't spicy and I didn't care for them that much?

    2. Yeah. I did the walnuts with olive oil, coriander seed, cumin seed, black pepper, some sesame seed and fennel seed. Salt on top after roasting. Sits in a bowl on the table for whenever.

  12. Busy work for sure. You need to lighten up that work. It's too much. you can do a little each day. It ain't going anywhere soon ya know. Take care of you.

  13. Despite the coming rain, I'll be glad for some warmer temperatures. I get a weekly project of my electricity costs from Reliant, and I'm not at all amused. I usually get by paying from $60-80, and the projected cost for this month is $140-170. Granted, it's been really, really cold, but I keep the termostat at 68 during the day and 66 at night. There's no way I'm going to keep it lower than that. Grumpgrumpgrump.

    I do think I might move the plants back out this week -- at least, the ones that are easily moved. I might dally a bit when it comes to the huge-heavy-arkward schefflera, even though it's easier to get it out than to bring it in.

    1. we keep ours at 68 during the day too and usually turn it down to 65 at night but didn't this week. I was planning to uncover everything today along with taking the smaller pots out but nope. supposed to be in the 70s every day this week after today. just one extreme to another.

  14. I ventured out before looking at the temp. It was pretty cold out and I move a few things around on the porch before my feet got numb. Looked at the temp and it was a hearty 11 degrees. Watched Netflix the rest of the day!!

  15. Bummer on the kittens using the plants as a litter box. They do make a royal mess when flinging the potting soil. Not to mention the smell if the plants are in the house - eek!

    When we had that problem, I used landscape marble on top of the potting soil. Apparently the rough rocks hurt their delicate little paws when they try to scratch them around. The last time I repotted a large plant, I put landscape fabric on top of the potting soil to keep the rocks from sinking in, and then the rocks. I'm hoping the addition of landscape fabric also prevents fungus gnats from taking up residence.

    Release the kittens! That ranks right up there with releasing the hounds or the Kracken.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.