Wednesday, January 24, 2024

rain rain and warmer temps

Apparently, if you don’t have a blogger account you still cannot get to my last post even if you click on ‘yes, I’m an adult, take me to the page’. OK. But that’s not the most interesting part to me. According to my blog dashboard I have only 37 page views in two days (as compared to 150 for the previous post), meaning that either most my readers do not have a blogger account or else they were put off by the ridiculous adult content warning. Heads up, there was no content that went against community content standards unless you consider me dealing with gushing water out of a broken pipe in 40˚ weather an hour or so before sunset and cussing a blue streak to be sensitive content. Blogger did tell me if I wanted to change my title (or remove the forbidden content of which there was none so it had to be the title) I could republish the post without the warning. Eh, why bother.

So onward I go. Momcat showed up Monday late afternoon after being missing the previous two days. She’s done this before, not show up to eat for a day or two. She’s the least wild of the four, in fact, not wild at all. She rubs up against me, loves to be petted, allows me to pick her up. I think she was someone’s pet who got dumped when she turned up pregnant. My sister had managed to get her fixed and released her back in the yard before she died and the vet was supposed to clip one of her ears but they didn’t. Anyway, she can’t get pregnant again but she is definitely done with the kittens. She’s very vocal, growling and hissing at them and pushing them away if they get too close. She’s really kind of a bitch.

My plan was to try and trap Girlcat Monday and get her to the vet since at about 7 or 8 months she’s close to getting pregnant but it started raining at some point Sunday night and rained most of the day Monday. When I checked the rain gauge Tuesday we had had 3 1/4” of rain. And then it started raining again last night, was still raining when I got up, and midmorning the gauge showed another 2 1/2”, so almost 6” already this week. The side yard is underwater 

so I imagine the front is too. I haven’t looked out those windows yet. That tree in the center is the water oak next to the house. I don’t know if the picture really shows how immense it is.

I had intended to uncover everything on Monday but…rain, so I did it yesterday. The mustard greens and the cabbages look unaffected. That patch of white middle right is the clump of society garlic already showing new green poking through and the yellowish brown in the back is part of the day lilies. The brown sticks in front of the daylilies is the porterweed after I cut it back to cover it.

The pony tail palm did not show freeze damage for two years in a row so I guess I’ve finally figured out how to cover it successfully but everything else I covered; the porterweed, bird of paradise, bougainvillea, begonia (iffy, last year I brought it in, this year I covered it), the yellow trumpet flower; as usual are all freeze damaged but will eventually come back from the roots. Still need to trundle the smaller pots out of the garage for some sun and water but it’s too wet out there right now and still drippy though I’m sure they would have loved some of that rain.

While I was out in the little backyard, that area behind the fence upper left, this huge dead limb fell off one of the pecan trees, breaking up into 6 pieces.

It’s raining again or still which it is supposed to do just about all day. At least it’s a light rain because 6” in less than a week is a lot for the ground to absorb.


  1. We were supposed to get rain today but did not except for the merest mist of a sprinkle while the sun was shining.
    I'm sure glad your mustards and cabbages are fine. All of my greens look absolutely untouched by our freezes. Also some sugar snap peas that I planted a few months ago. Who knew?
    That is a huge water oak. Or at least as far as I can tell. I really do not like those trees.
    Wonder where MomCat went? She'll certainly never tell you.
    I hope your rain ceases before you need a darn ark.

  2. How much rain do you need to have groundwater levels restored enough for a hot year? We now have trees pushing roots into waste water pipes (causing massive damage) for water during August because all these sudden heavy downpours evaporate more than go deep where we need the water.
    Good luck with the kitty.

  3. The word didn’t offend me, I have used it, but it is grossly overused these days and is losing its impact. English is a language replete with other words, usually more effective, and maybe that’s something to keep in mind.,

  4. i agree with David in that we use the words more in the media and they have less and less impact.

  5. Yikes! It must have been scary to have that limb fall while you were out in the yard!

    I don't know why Blogger would make such a big deal out of the F-bomb. That's nothing these days.

  6. Even *I* use the F-bomb regularly - and I wouldn't even entertain it in my brain until a few years ago (ok Karen). I think I would be just like Momcat - LEAVE ME ALONE SMALL BEINGS!

  7. I can't remember the word the arborists use for that kind of limb fall, but I know there is one. At least your trees still are standing. I saw some photos from the College Station area where enormous amounts of rain have led to entire trees just tipping out of the ground. At least there's sunshine this morning, and a promise of a sunny day. Then, we have one more line that will push through tomorrow before leaving us with a nice, dry week. It's about time!

  8. It's been rainy and foggy here but at least it is warming up. Still lots of snow to melt but we will be near 40°F today so that's a heatwave for us!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.