Monday, August 14, 2023

several little things and one big thing

The fucking fire ants were back last week. They came in from under the threshold strip like last time and into the bowl of dry dog food so I guess the caulking I did previously did not seal it up. Got out the orange oil spray, dead ants. Tossed out the dry dog and cat food, cleaned up the dead ants. Moved Minnie's and Cat's feeding station into another room temporarily and the next morning a thick trail from the threshold to the trash can, in the trash can, and up a corner of the cabinet and onto the counter where they had just started to fan out. Dammit! More orange oil spray and cleaning up and then I spooned cinnamon along both edges of the threshold and each end and into the space where the pocket door is as best I could. Cinnamon because ants don't like it and won't cross it. That was Friday I think. The cinnamon is still there until I get around to prying up the threshold again and see what there is to see. But no more ants for now.

My surprise volunteer datura bloomed. It's been several years since I had one growing in that spot. This morning there was a hairstreak butterfly snugged down in it as far as it could get. I thought maybe it was stuck because it wasn't moving so I shook the flower a bit and out it flew.

Here's a picture of one of my rock rose blooms and I have no idea what kind of bug that is on it, not even sure what category it is, but there were several hanging out on the blooms.

This little anole was tiny, as in just hatched tiny. Couldn't be more than a day or two old and very shy as this was the only picture I could get.

This is a bluebonnet with a bud growing in the easement in front of the Wicked Witch of the West's lot. I can't tell you how unusual this is to have a bluebonnet getting ready to bloom in August especially with this heat and drought. It just never happens.

These three pots had succulents growing in them, three different plants. The juvenile cardinals have pecked and eaten them down to nubs. This has never ever happened before. And there's a bird bath nearby that I replenish every day.

Those are the little things. The big thing is that today is our 47th wedding anniversary. It's such a big event in our lives that it always sneaks up on me but usually I'm aware a few days beforehand. Not today. Today I completely forgot until Marc wished me happy anniversary at breakfast after we'd both been up for about 2 1/2 hours. Oh, yeah, that's today. No plans at this point, restaurants traditionally closed on Mondays. We haven't done anything to mark the day since pre-covid when it was a movie and dinner out. 


  1. Happy anniversary, Ellen! I’d send up a helium balloon but it’s too hot in Katy right now. :)

  2. Happy Annie!! I guess chasing fire ants is all the partying on the agenda for now.

  3. Happy anniversary! With ours in December we're usually already weary of Christmas stuff & just wish each other well on Facebook. Ha!

  4. Happy anniversary! Hope the ants behave now

  5. We are getting a nice little rain here and I sure wish I could share it with you. Happy anniversary, Ellen! I hope y'all do something special to commemorate. Forty-seven years is a lot of years!
    I had never heard that about cinnamon. I will keep it in mind for our next ant invasion.

    1. another friend told me about it and it has worked every time I've used it.

  6. well, I guess your marriage will stick...

  7. Happy anniversary. I hope you keep track of the bluebonnet. And the ants.

  8. I'd bet you a nickel that hairstreak was asleep in that flower. I've found sleeping bees in flowers, and I once found a little moth or butterfly sound asleep on the petal of a native rain lily, very early in the morning. I never had heard about the ant-cinnamon connection. I wonder what it is they don't like about it? I'm not sure I'd be willing to use my cinnamon on ant prevention, but on the other hand, I'm not willing to live with ants, either.

    Congrats on your anniversary! Maybe that bluebonnet was nature's anniversary gift to you. My treat for the day was seeing a lone, big cumulus cloud in the west just before sunset. We have to start somewhere.

    1. could have been. I didn't even think of that. I buy the big container of cinnamon at CostCo so I have plenty. I got this tip from another friend of mine and it works for whatever reason. seems like I googled it once and the general consensus poo pooed it but from my personal experience every time I've used it the ants went away and didn't come back unless I vacuumed it up. it's temporary for now until I feel like prying up the threshold and making another attempt at sealing up wherever they are getting in. maybe I can just spoon a layer long the threshold and just put the metal strip on top of it.

  9. Happy Anniversary. What a gorgeous young thing you were!

  10. Happy Anniversary, Ellen! Wishing you many more years together!

  11. Ah that is a really nice wedding photo. Happy Anniversary to you both, even if, like us, you can often forget. :)

  12. Congrats!! 47 years together is a good thing.

  13. The fiftieth I hired a helicopter and we were flown across London. Looked down on the traffic jams and laughed. Or was that her birthday? The sixtieth... reckon we must have had the family over. The older we get the more forgetful. But I am the best when it comes to charades.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.