Friday, June 23, 2023

weird thing, tomatoes, and the continuing retaliatory clown show in the House

Here's a weird thing that happened. Tuesday night 12:30 AM I was a sleep, not dreaming, when I heard my sister softly call my name in my ear with a slightly raised tone at the end (like an inquiry as in are you there or can you hear me). What, I replied., she said. Woke me straight the fuck up. What the hell was that! I sent her a text, are you OK? No reply so I got up and went to the front of the house and watched her house for a few minutes. All was dark and quiet. I went back to bed.

I went to all three yoga classes this week very carefully staying off my knee and resisting bending it much past about 90˚. It is still a little swollen and the leg still discolored but it is improving daily. Still no results from the x-rays. Edit:  "No fracture or dislocation is seen. No radiographically apparent degenerative change is seen. There is soft tissue swelling anterior and inferior to the patella, possibly indicating bursitis. IMPRESSION: No acute abnormality". Bursitis? I whacked the hell out of it.

I'm about ready to pull up the tomato plants though there are still some small green ones which I'm not sure I feel like waiting on them. All the ones on the Big Boy plant are getting blossom end rot which is supposed to be caused by over watering which I definitely am not doing and none of the other plants are exhibiting that. I have two bags of tomatoes in the fridge that I am going to process today, maybe more tomato sauce or peel them, chop them, stew them, and put them up in the freezer. Maybe a little of both.

The republicans in the House are showing themselves to be the petty vindictive wackos they are. Since their bogus investigations are flopping wildly they decided to censure Adam Schiff for his role in the first impeachment of Trump basically saying that it was a political weaponization against a man who had done nothing wrong. Schiff's remarks were golden, “you honor me with your enmity...that I have been effective in the defense of our democracy” and when democrats applauded his remarks republicans screeched about a lack of decorum. I read elsewhere, and I don't know how true it is, that this censure was illegal because the actions did not happen in this current Congress but when has illegal ever stopped republicans. Meanwhile Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Lauren Boebert “a little bitch” to her face on the floor of the House over their ridiculous competing articles of impeachment of President Biden based on their own lies. More petty retaliatory bullshit and that's all they've got. In the two years the Democrats held the House they passed major legislation after major legislation that is benefitting the American people and the country. In the months the Republicans have held the House they have conducted bogus retaliatory investigation after bogus retaliatory investigation that, in the end, only showed them to be exactly what they were. Seemingly, House Republicans only purpose is to support Trump and deep six any and all evidence against him and to punish his detractors.

Speaking of 'deep six', I admit I have no sympathy for rich billionaires who engage in a risky adventure and end up dying. They climbed into a tin can that was controlled by a game console that had not undergone any kind of rigorous standards for deep dive vessels because who needs intrusive regulations that might slow down their ability to rake in millions from rich tourists, a machine that had already had safety concerns and into which they were bolted with no way to exit from the inside. One man that was supposed to be on it this trip was smart enough to change his mind after he did some research. I am glad though that their deaths were instantaneous and within the first couple of hours. I can't think of anything worse than basically being buried alive, whether in a small box or a small can.

The whole world was focused on the fate of five billionaires for days while hundreds of refugees drowning in the Mediterranean were barely a blip on the news cycle because, hey, they were poor and desperate. Nobody wants to hear about that.

Just so I end on a more pleasant note, on my desk is a small cardboard tray that came from a nursery or the feed store that held a six pack or two of bedding plants and I use it to keep scraps of paper for notes or info I want to keep, appointment cards from the various medical professionals, other odds and ends and I looked up to see Cat trying to sit in this little cardboard container.

So I went and found her a proper box and set it on the big work table next to me. She investigated it immediately and then proceeded to settle in. It's her favorite place. She spends the major part of her day sleeping in that box.


  1. Well I am very glad that your knee is not broken in any way.
    I, too, am enraged by the publicity that five white people who are rich enough to believe they are immortal (obviously) got so much attention and so much effort to locate and possibly save them while the immigrants in the Mediterranean are naught but something we don't want to think about. I do feel very sorry for the teenaged son.
    Ellen- it is raining here again. I was just out in it picking up limbs to haul to the burn pile and between the slight rain and my sweat, I am soaked.
    We're still getting tomatoes but not that many. It is a better year for peppers than for tomatoes or cucumbers. The green beans are still going crazy. I have not picked in three days and I am almost afraid to go out there.
    I do love a cat in a box. I should get some for my own cats.

    1. my new routine is get up, feed the cat, take my pills, let the dog out and go water everything and then I'm basically in for the day except for a short foray or two. I haven't even been walking the dog because, well, my knee but mainly lately because it is just too damn hot. a storm blew in the other night, gave us a paltry ¼" of rain, but it did cool the morning down a bit. I planted my beans too late and only got a couple of handfuls before it got really hot.

  2. Cats do love their boxes. There are really funny videos of cats in boxes, getting in, getting out. My tomato plant is looking half dead. If I don't get a tomato soon, I'll pulling it out and putting in petunias.

    1. yeah what is it with cats and boxes. I've even seen videos of lions and tigers trying to lay in boxes. I kept a little trailing petunia alive for three years in a pot outside but this summer did it in.

  3. Ask your sister what her dream was that night if she remembers.
    I share your no sympathy. There will be massive law suits.
    I am amazed what is considered conservative politics these days - here as much as in your country - as if a war on wokeness would make anybody safer or even better off.

    1. I'm surprised that she couldn't recall anything besides being asleep at 12:30 because she is attune to paranormal activity.
      that they even consider 'wokeness' to be a bad thing. I doubt any of them could even define it but they seize on anything the left promotes as bad.

  4. Interesting dream, which I'm sure you'll discuss with sister... Glad you knee is not broken anywhere. Gentle healing seems the best road, and you know to listen to your body. The politics are now no longer a laughing matter. There are clowns who have power, position and extremely inhumane ideas. No matter what they are called, we need to work dilligently to push them back into (boxes?) wherever they may do no harm. Love your Torti enjoying her box!

    1. you know, it wasn't even really a dream, just an isolated event. I haven't really discussed it with my sister besides telling her about it, said she was asleep at that time but she very attune to the paranormal and the morning before she had had some kind of neurological event. when it woke me up my first thought was that there was an intruder in her house.
      I agree, this country is at a very dangerous point. we are still being controlled by the minority and if they get the presidency, well, say buh bye to democracy.

  5. I'm sorry for the teenager who was pretty much shoved into going in that tin can. Also for his mother who probably had no power to overrule her foolish husband.

    I love cats in boxes, particularly when they insert themselves in too small a box and it takes some doing! See how she can see where she is, leave when she wants? So much smarter than wealthy humans.

    1. yes, the teen, an innocent victim, although I haven't read anything about whether he wanted to go or not. I'm glad for his sake that it was basically instantaneous.
      yes, I think she likes the short sides on the box.

  6. You describe so well the crazy world we are living in these days. it's an endless cycle of the insane rich doing everything they can in every way possible to make the world their very own. I so wish we lived in different times with compassionate people in charge of things.
    I often wonder why kitty cats love boxes do much. Cat is so cute and so happy that you got her a box!

    1. this country is in so much trouble and still there are people who don't see it, like my daughter. she votes blue but I think if this country gets taken over by the authoritarians it will take her completely by surprise.

  7. I would be interested to know if your sister was dreaming of you:) I wonder if the sleep stage you were in was in your alpha sleep. I do find the craziest thigs can happen in that sleep stage. and i assume you are close to your sister? and to the rest of your post, yeah! i love the way you look at things.

    1. yes, we are close, all she has said is she was asleep and she'd have to think about it. haven't talked about it since but she is very sensitive to paranormal stuff. she had some sort of neurological event that morning and I wonder if it was related to that. and what she meant about company. when I bolted awake I thought she meant an intruder. but no. I do think the sleep stage is basically just another waking life and I've had prophetic dreams.

  8. I sometimes hear a spoken word in my ear when I am falling asleep or waking up. It is disconcerting, but I think it's more normal than one knows. The unconscious/subconscious mind never sleeps. So, I'm intrigued that you put up tomatoes in small glass containers and then freeze them. Is this true, or am I misunderstanding?

    1. I was sound asleep and not in a dream state when it happened. It was so clear. I have engaged the subconscious mind to solve a particular problem I might be facing or to sort of determine a path. I've had prophetic dreams back when I was younger that changed the course of my life and then later when I was having to make a major decision about my life, I understood I had decided what I was going to do through a dream.
      I don't do canning because I feel like it cooks all the nutrients out so I freeze stuff. That was tomato sauce that I had made in those small jars that I freeze. but I also blanche, peel, and chop tomatoes and seal them in bags with a vacuum sealer and freeze those. in fact I have a big bag of tomatoes that I'm going to put up today.

  9. If the Republicans had a few people with Adam Schiff's class and dignity they would be a much better party. Class and the GOP seem far apart, however, and the gulf is getting wider. Surely at least some of them will not be re-elected. If they are I shudder at what that says about the electorate.

  10. I wonder about the people that vote for those crazies! The people that they elected are not getting anything done for them! Seems silly to vote for them again...

  11. That's pretty freaky about your sister talking to you in the night. Maybe whatever it is is yet to come.

  12. How strange about your sister! I had a super-weird dream last night too. In my case, it might have been wine-induced, since it was after our dinner party. :)

    Good news about the knee.

    If there were any justice in the world, the voters would take a look at this MTG-Boebert thing and vote them both out. Talk about lack of decorum!

  13. I know next to nothing about gardening, but I wonder: could our long period of extraordinarily humid weather have brought on blossom end rot, like rain does? Every morning when I go off to work, everything is just dripping wet. Maybe that's the answer.

    1. If that were the case I'd expect to see it on all four varieties but it's just the one plant. if it was the beginning of the season I'd worry more about it but in this heat the tomatoes are done.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.