Wednesday, June 21, 2023

the knee (still), the heat (still), the pests (still)

the tall pink phlox that Ms Moon sent me

I typed up a description of my fall and the injury I was experiencing, the lack of pain and weakness but tenderness, a lump, and the weird bruising and how I had been treating it and sent it off to my PC doctor with pictures of my leg and knee through the online patient portal site about 12:30 Monday and three hours later I got a phone call from the office that my regular doctor was completely booked but an associate in the office could see me Tuesday at 11 and she recommended I come in. So in I went. The doctor felt around my left knee, then my right injured knee, then the left again, then the right. Told me to stay off it and ice it and take tylenol for pain (basically what I've been doing) and recommended an x-ray just to be on the safe side. Asked her how long I should ice it, two weeks from the date of the injury which is about 3 or 4 more days. Then I walked over to the other building and got my knee x-rayed. Should get the results in a day or two.

The twins returned from their birthday trip to Costa Rica on Sunday. They had a fabulous time of course. They were still here yesterday and Jade was remote working and needed to deal with getting her old car fixed so Autumn came over and we spent the day together. She went to yoga with me Monday night (I was very conservative and careful not to put any pressure on my knee but I really needed to stretch). The twins have been doing yoga since their teens and Autumn was so pretty doing the asanas being lithe and young as she is, really beautiful form.

Once again I'm whining about the heat but it really is horrible and everything outside is suffering. It's even worse in Mexico where it's even hotter than here and people are dying. ERCOT, responsible for our power grid, was issuing statements that the grid is holding and there's no danger of blackouts and in the next breath asking people to turn up their thermostats and don't use any appliances between 4 and 8 PM. I went out around 8 this morning to water some things by hand, make sure the three birdbaths have adequate water, and set up the sprinkler elsewhere and before I came in sweat was literally dripping off me. Today is the summer equinox and now the days will start to get shorter and it would be nice if that meant the days would also start to get cooler but no, no, none of that. It only gets hotter from here even without this heatwave.

I think I've finally found and sealed all the current cracks where the ants were getting in. So far so good but I'd seen evidence of another pest in a couple of my kitchen drawers, mouse poop, and meant to set up a trap before I went to bed last night and forgot. This morning I found that Cat had taken care of it for me, dead mouse next to my desk chair. Good Cat!

The white bridal bouquet plumeria is sending up bloom stalks but the light pink and dark pink plumerias are already blooming.


  1. heh. was thinking about you this morning 2 am ish. heard chewing noises in the next room. hmmm sounds kind of loud for a mouse but hey i have this mouse trap handy so dab of peanut butter, set it and back to bed. few min later...whumpa whumpa whumpa... empty triggered trap. i guess i now have a rat with a sore face.

  2. Your phlox look so pretty! Mine are blooming too. Of course.
    Glad you got your knee checked. I imagine the x-ray will show very little but who knows?
    The heat here is overwhelming too. Not so much today as we got a little rain this morning. Sure wish you'd get some.

  3. I like the way you "stay off" the knee by doing yoga and watering your garden. Nice.
    Lovely, gorgeous plumeria - we first got to know this plant as frangipani when we lived in Africa, and I am still kicking myself now that we grow it here in Germany. Ours have a bit to go for the blossoms but getting there.
    Blasted heat here too, I just checked, it would be in the low 90s your way of measuring.

  4. Here's hoping the X-ray finds nothing more than swollen tissue. I had tall phlox in the kampground garden and should have dug them up like I did with the peony. Mine were the same as yours. I miss mine ....

  5. Ohhhh the light pink one please! that looks unreal! Also , for some reason, it looks like it would be delicious. Your knee will heal , eventually. Just an inconvenience right now and no fun! Pain hurts. Also what Sabine said- Staying off your knee....

  6. I spent a couple of hours indoors this afternoon, and just went over to Randall's to pick up a couple of things. By the time I got home again, I was dripping sweat, and all I did was walk to and from the car. I believe I'll give it another hour or so before I go back to work. I've found that heat indices around 102 still are bearable, but anything above 105 is too much. We're currently at 110!
    That said, your plumeria are gorgeous. When I was in West Africa, they were called frangiapani, too -- but one of those by any name is just as gorgeous.

  7. I suppose with a fine l layer of cool sweat, 102 would be bearable. Not.

  8. Beautiful plumerias! I guess they don't mind heat. I'm glad you're getting the knee checked out professionally. Good to know you've been taking care of it properly already.

  9. Pretty pretty! And it's 60 degrees here in NC (not even the mountains) at 11:12 am on a Thursday. I wore sandals to work anyway because it's summer dammit. Sigh.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.