Sunday, June 25, 2023

odds, ends, and a thug tug

Let me start out by saying if you don't follow Jeff Tiedrich on Post or Twitter (if you are still on Twitter) or his webpage, you are missing out on one astute clever dude. He makes me laugh all the time with his reports and opinions on the political scene. Here's a link to his post today, Andy Warhol's Garbage

I did my home yoga routine this morning for the first time since I injured my knee two weeks ago and boy could I tell even though I went to all three classes last week. There were only two asanas that I felt any kind of twinge in my right knee and one that I thought I wouldn't be able to do I did with no complaint. I can sit in verasana (Japanese style with my legs folded under me) but I still can't kneel directly on the knee.

The sun decided to celebrate Pride this morning (well, every morning really).

I spent yesterday putting up all the tomatoes taking up space in the fridge. I divided them up and made a smaller batch of tomato sauce and the others I skinned and cut up and stewed and it all went in vacuum sealed bags in the freezer. Before I sealed up the stewed tomatoes I drained a lot of the liquid off as they were too watery and froze that in an ice cube tray to add into soups and stews and anything else that needs a little liquid. 

I've been seeing butterflies...frittilaries, swallowtails, crescents, a satyr comma, sulfurs, skippers mostly on the zinnias though I don't know what this one is. It looks like a long tail except no long tail

It's the time of year for baby anoles to start hatching. While I was deadheading the zinnias this morning I saw this tiny one. Can't have been out of its egg for very long.

The last time I belonged to the garden club here was pre-covid so probably 2019. I'm no longer a member because I started volunteering at SHARE and the meeting falls on the same day I volunteer (there's other reasons too). Anyway, members would bring plants to share and one meeting there was a box of miscellaneous bulbs. I took about half a dozen and put them in pots. Eventually some of them bloomed and I had a jonquil and a yellow surprise lily but the bulb I knew was a crinum did not. The first arctic vortex killed off the smaller bulbs and I planted the crinum in the ground. It has grown and multiplied but not bloomed until now. The biggest bulb is sending up a bloom stalk and the flowers peeking out are pink. That makes me happy since that same arctic vortex killed off my pink ones that were in a pot. I was afraid it was going to be red (which I have and love) or white spider lily (which I also have and love).

The Mexican bird of paradise likes this heat and has started blooming.


Interesting little thug tug of war went on in Russia yesterday. Prigozhin resisted Putin demands that the Wagner Group sign a loyalty pledge to Russia Putin and join the Russian forces. Prigozhin says bite me. Putin says do it or else. Pregozhin says, OK, pay me. Putin's forces fire on Prigozhin's forces. Prigozhin takes Rostov to cheers and says, I'll see you in Moscow. Almost there and Prigozhin calls off the march to Moscow on the pretense of not wanting to spill Russian blood after coming to an agreement with Belarus' president Lukashinko. Prigoshin gets to scurry off to Belarus, Putin 'promises' amnesty for him and the soldiers who took part in the mutiny and the Wagner group fighters will sign a contract with Russia's Minister of Defense bringing them under Putin's control. I have some advice for Prigozhin...stay on the ground floor at all times and get a food taster.


  1. That sure does look like a long-tailed skipper. I wonder if something nipped off its tail. Somehow, the name 'dorantes' came to me, and sure enough, that's the species name for one of the long-tailed. How that stuck in my mind when half the time I don't know where my car keys or phone might be is beyond me. Who knows what tidbits we carry around with us. I laughed at your advice to Prigozhin. Dare I say it's 'dead on'?

    1. it does, doesn't it. that's probably what it is, maybe I just couldn't see its tails. odd bits pop in my head too only it's usuall a song lyric that I'm wondering where the hell that came from.

  2. Excellent summation of the Russia thing. I wish Putin would give up in Ukraine. I'm not happy about all of those Wagner mercenaries getting folded in with the Russian army. How hot is it where you are?

    1. Putin can't give up and I don't know if he can win. it's a no win situation for him and it will only make him desperate especially since the attempted take over weakened him. will he get desperate to blow up the nuclear power plant? he's already got the plans to do it.

      high 90s. today is supposed to get to 99˚, real feel in the sun 112˚, in the shade 105˚.

  3. I read Andy Warhol's Garbage. Did he really? "I looked in a box of Andy's trash!" Well, won't work for the T. Prigozhin better watch out, too. He cut it too close. I really like the Mexican Bird of Paradise.

    1. boxes of Andy's trash are now 'art'. If he hadn't been famous he'd probably been living in a pathway house. apparently they threatened the families of all the Wagner Group leaders if he didn't turn back and give up.

  4. One military expert on a national talk show last night advised Prigozhin to also change beds at least three times every night. But seeing that he is a billionaire with supposedly more billions than Putin that should not be difficult.

    1. if he's smart he'll get his family and disappear, if Putin hasn't already got them.

  5. Putin may have been weakened a little by this incident, however. We can only hope that some wll-trained sniper can get close to him.

    1. a weakened Putin is even more dangerous I think. if he sees the Russian people turning against him he might use those plans to blow up the nuclear power plant they're occupying.

  6. I can't begin to keep track of what's going on in Russia. I just know it's not safe to be an enemy of Putin's.
    Reading about Andy Warhol's garbage truly did give me more insight on Trump's boxes. Weird, weird, weird man.
    Your flowers are gorgeous.

    1. I'm curious how Trump got them in the first place. some of that stuff was never supposed to leave the secure room. did he have them piled up in the residence?

  7. Weird people are DEFINITELY weird! Makes me feel better about my own oddities. That little anole gave me a happy sigh.

    1. I tried to get a better picture of the anole but it was having none of it. too young to know I'm harmless.

  8. Yeah, no kidding. I don't think anyone pushes back at Putin and survives!

    1. yeah, he can't really believe Putin's 'amnesty'.

  9. Jeff Tiedrich is hysterically funny. I'm still trying to understand just what the hell happened in Russia. I have a hunch we have seen the last chapter yet.....

    1. I love his 'this week in stupid' posts on Fridays. I wonder what's going to happen to the Wagner Group fighters. will they be able to leave if they don't want to join Russia's crappy army?

  10. Prigozhin is a dead guy - He must have known that he would be poisoned or disappeared pulling a prank on Putin , no sense of humor. Too much power- not sad that he will be a dead guy, mind you, just amazed that he would commit suicide like that. It is like "death by cops"...Love Jeff, thank you for the link, I forgot that he made me laugh and has such a clear perspective.
    God your flowers are breath takingly gorgeous! Two green thumbs up!

  11. 2nd day of Canadian wildfire smoke and it smells a bit like a sauna. Not necessarily unpleasant until you realize its not healthy, period. Not nearly as bad as the time I was in Sebastopol CA in the 80s where I choked on the stink and smog of a thousand wood burning stoves. That was bad.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.