Tuesday, June 13, 2023

fall down, go boom

I didn't go to yoga last night because I was nursing a sore and swollen knee. Saturday, walking the dog who insisted on going before the sun was low enough to cast shadows on the street from the trees, I was walking in the grass on the easement or in the ditch or even on the yard side of the ditch to keep in shade as much as I could and about two thirds of the way down the street I tripped on a pipe sticking up from the ground about 3” and landed hard on my right knee and then my forearms. Boom! Like a tree being felled. Stunned, I stood up, made a quick assessment, didn't feel like anything was seriously damaged, walked across the street to my neighbor's porch and sat chatting with him until it stopped hurting enough to walk home. Sunday it was sore and tender, a little swollen, but no sharp pains, could walk fine and so I was on my feet all day watering different parts of the yard and making the tomato sauce but by the end of the day it was achy, took some ibuprofen and went to bed. Monday morning it was very swollen, even my calf, so I spent the day on the recliner icing my knee. This morning, the swelling was much diminished and the bruise was starting to come up surprisingly not on my knee but on the front of my leg below my knee which is still tender to the touch and the lump below my kneecap is becoming apparent and burns a little bit. Today will also be spent with my leg up and ice on my knee. I'm just glad I was in the grass unlike my neighbor who tripped over her dog and did a faceplant on the gravelly road surface.

Speaking of making tomato sauce, this is how the tomatoes looked after slow roasting at 250˚ for 3 1/2 hours

and after running them through the blender

and after putting in jars for the freezer.

We are currently having a heat wave with temps in the high 90s that is predicted to last for the next 10 days at least with probably no rain. The weather guy on the TV last night was saying he knows we all want to know how long this heat wave will last and I'm thinking...dumb question, the answer is the rest of our fucking lives.

The only other thing of note is I've been watching the bird feeder in the mornings while I sit and read or write and the last two days there has been a male house finch with two of his juveniles hanging out on the bird feeder. Dad is eating while the two youngsters chirp their 'feed me' chirp and shiver their feathers while dad ignores them. Hey, I brought you right to the food source, feed yourself!

Oh, and the crinums have finally sent up their bloom stalks.


  1. I'm seeing similar bird behavior here. Time to fly on your own, little birds!

    So sorry about your knee/leg! I wonder if the wound on the front of your leg is from the pipe? Maybe it hit the pipe when your knee hit the ground? In any case, I hope the injury proves to be minor and you recover quickly.

    1. the only thing that hit the pipe was my shoe so no wound just a painful lump.

  2. Well, hell. The knee I fell on a few weeks ago is still painful if I kneel on it. So is the other one, for that matter. AND the toe that got twisted up in my flip flop. Healing is not what it was when we were younger, is it? You're doing the right thing but elevating and icing. Keep it up.

  3. So sorry to hear of your fall and injury. What a bummer. I sure hope that heals up as quickly as possible. Take care there.
    We stopped feeding birds when we moved to the coast eight years ago. I miss them so much.

  4. I used to watch all sorts of parent birds go through that final lesson with recalcitrant children. The best were the adult hawks, who just left and the kids hopping from branch to branch, hollerin' "feed me!", "food now", "I mean it!" and all that, and no papa or mama to be found, so they looked around for a bug or two, and finally hit on the mice, which was their job!
    I am so sorry about your knee. Here in the building, my next door neighbor fell, broke her hip. She's in the hospital right now. She's wild and krazy in a good way. I hope so much to have her back.

  5. Sorry you took a tumble, but you were probably more graceful than I was! I still expect to see my fall on the internet from some random truck driver who had a good laugh. My face wasn't showing and no one would recognize me .... but me. Take it easy on your knee and give it time to heal.

  6. Argh. Hope it gets better real quick. At least you have the birds to keep you entertained.

  7. That sounds like a bad fall, but at least there were no broken bones. Between you and your neighbour walking the dog is a hazardous activity!

  8. Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you feel better soon. My son and his family are moving on June 22nd to Texas. I hope the A/C is working in their new home!?!

  9. OUCH! I'm glad to hear you're icing that knee. Now I'll just continue to drool over the tomatoes...

  10. Sorry about the knee, it sounds really painful. I have buggered up my right shoulder, probably from painting over my head, so much so that just putting in my contacts hurts. It would be nice if the healing process would hurry the hell up.

  11. Well, if there's anything good about being confined to the couch with ice, it's a perfect excuse to stay out of this heat. I swore I wasn't going to work in August this year, but August came early. I well remember tripping over a sprinkler head that hadn't completely retracted; it was about three inches high, too, but hidden by grasses. I managed a true face plant -- at least you avoided that!

  12. So sorry to read about your fall and certainly am glad that you seem to be healing. Aging and falling are inevitable, I guess. Yes, heat is here to stay.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.