Tuesday, December 16, 2014

chasing wax

I'm working on small bowl waxes this week for the three that I promised a gallery for their show in March. These are the small (6” diameter x 3” high) limited edition (25) reproduction bowls that we started out doing. They were so cheap, $250, at first. Now they go for $650, but even at that (we only get half), they are more work than they are worth. Not to mention that I got tired of doing them. I didn't even complete some of the editions. In fact, we don't even do vessel forms anymore. At least not currently.

The last design I did in the small bowls was the oleander. That's the wax I'm working on now. The other two I'm going to do are the lizard and ivy design and the sea fan and coral design. Even though these waxes are pulled from reproduction molds, they do not come out perfect and the older the reproduction mold, the more deterioration. So I have to 'chase' the wax. Meaning I have to fix all the flaws. Working on this very complicated wax yesterday, all I could think of was how much I did not want to be doing this. These will be the VERY LAST ones I am going to do, series finished or not.

I would much rather be working on new stuff. 



  1. they look pretty to me, but i can imagine it is a lot of work.

  2. They're very beautiful, Ellen and I can tell that a lot of time and talent go into them. Each one is especially stunning.

  3. You know, you may be tired of doing them but I have to tell you that I think they are just magnificent. I can see why they sell and I wish you could get a lot more for them.
    Stunningly beautiful.
    But I've always been partial to bowls. And uh, nature and stuff. (You know what I mean.) I would be so proud to own any or all of them.

  4. They are beautiful.
    You know how fickle people are. They forget the old things they think they want as soon as they see the new they know they want.

  5. These are absolutely beautiful. So special, although I understand that you are tired of them. But for me? I see it for the 1st time and it is gorgeous. I can fill my eyes with it for a very long time.

  6. If it's any consolation, they're really beautiful! But I'm sure it's frustrating to have to work on something you don't want to do.

    Do you have a contract with a gallery to complete a certain number for the edition? Is there a penalty if you produce fewer than planned? Or is it entirely up to you?

  7. I think demand is what drew Dale Chuilliy into group production. The money was good but the idea lost some of its luster.Love these pieces.

  8. They are so lovely. Hopefully you will return someday to this work. You have to go where your muse calls you.

  9. Ooh I love the little bowls! But as a person who recently made a crochet project that people loved, but I plan to ceremonially burn the pattern, I totally understand :)

  10. Your writing has a way of simplifying even the most complicated ideas


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