Sunday, May 5, 2024

no rain, mouse, feral yard, rain, fancy desserts

Today is overcast, dark, and windy with the feeling of impending rain except there’s no rain. At least it’s keeping the temperature down. Last night during my hour or so of wakefulness I planned to do the second round of fertilizing the azaleas and the camellia today. I usually wake up around 2 AM drifting back to sleep an hour or two later. Last night I slept til about 4 before waking and when I was still awake an hour later I thought of my sister who often complained about waking at 5 and not being able to go back to sleep. I thought at a little past 5 AM I probably wouldn’t get back to sleep either and then my pill alarm woke me at 8:30.

I won’t be getting out in the yard today I guess, haven’t even stepped outside yet. When I finally got up to fix breakfast and was emptying the dishwasher I opened the bottom drawer I keep the glass storage dishes in and everything was covered in mouse poop and pee. Dammit. Fucking mouse, damn cat that isn’t catching the mouse. Now that drawer has to be emptied and cleaned and everything in it washed as if I didn’t already have enough dishes to do (my turn) and also my turn to cook dinner tonight. I had thought we had another mouse because my line of bird skulls keeps getting disturbed. Well, the little rodent must have had a party in the drawer last night because the last time I took something out of there it was fine.

It’s Sunday and I wrote the above on Friday. I keep forgetting to set out a trap before I go to bed and this morning my row of bird skulls looked like this, flipped over and askew.

We’re having lightning and thunder and rain! right now which we really need, raining rather hard. Of course I spent yesterday fertilizing all the potted plants and as many of the azaleas I had enough fertilizer for and then watering over at Pam’s house which really needed it. In the past two weeks that yard has gone feral even with the little bit I do over there every day when I go feed the wildlings. I was going to make a concerted effort over there today but now that’s not happening. And of course the dog is in complete panic mode. And wants in my lap, wants down, wants in my lap, wants down ad infinitum. Cat seems a little concerned about her doggy sister and has just come over to nose and sniff at her.

The couple, Joe and Mary, who mow and trim the shop yard and Pam’s yard and who are old like me didn’t come this week. They drove by to see how bad it was and I happened to be walking back to my house when they did. Joe went to his heart doctor the previous week who promptly put him in the hospital to put in a stent and sent him home with an exterior pacemaker while he arranges for the real one. Maybe next week, Joe says, depending on if he’s getting the pacemaker. I don’t know what we’re going to do if he retires. He only charges us $100 to do that acre and a half. It’s getting pretty rough over there and that’s with no rain to speak of for the last few weeks. Now with this rain the weeds and weedy grasses are going to double in the next few days.

My neighbor, the one who cut that horrendous ditch for me, who works for a farmer came by Friday evening with a big bag of freshly dug up red potatoes still encrusted with dirt, way more than we can eat especially since we already had plenty of potatoes and I have yet to dig up my two big containers so I took some to Robin and will share with another neighbor.

Oh, and now the rain has stopped, thunder still rumbling in the distance. Minnie is starting to calm down. The ground is too wet now to do anything outside today so I guess I’ll read more in my book, Stephen King’s The Institute. I know, I swore to never read another of his books even though I used to be a big fan. I did read Fairy Tale which was OK but a little contrived with all the references. Anyway, I thought I’d try this one.

Report on the fancy desserts…left to right:  berry tart with custard, lemon basil mousse kind of thing, and blackberry lavender cheesecake. 

They were all good. The berry tart would have been better if growers hadn’t hybridized all the flavor and juice out of them for size and firmness. Strawberries particularly which used to be small, soft, juicy, and bursting with flavor. Now they’re big, red on the outside and white inside, no juice or flavor, and impossible to bruise. But, hey, they look good. My favorite though was the lemon basil mousse thing, so creamy and flavorful.

And thank you everyone for all the lovely birthday wishes.


  1. You are so right about the strawberries. And I remember being in Switzerland, I think, and buying a wild strawberry tart in a bakery and when I tasted it I thought, "So that's what strawberries are supposed to taste like?" I will never, ever forget that. And that was when American strawberries were still decent.
    We got some rain last night too. It was so lovely. We sat out on the front porch for awhile, just listening and smelling that beautiful rain smell.
    Damn mice. Even with TWO cats, one of whom is definitely a hunter, I still find mouse poop in drawers. Little fuckers.
    Fine looking potatoes!

  2. Always such am awful find, mouse droppings. The mess such tiny creatures can make. Those pink spuds look delicious, what is your recipe?

    It's the same here with strawberries, which we can buy "farm fresh" until November, grown in plastic tunnels or vertically in soil-free containers with sky lights, I believe.That's why we bother to grow our own, complete with straw treatment and the bother of going down on your knees to tend and pick and cut off the new shoots and plants those further down the plot. I grow some of the tiny forest or wild strawberries in boxes on the kitchen window and somehow they have made their way now to grow like weeds between the flowers. They are tricky to harvest, but well worth it.

  3. My gosh. I really was off about how much rain you've had. I even went to the NWS site to check out the rain totals for Wharton, and thought they must have gotten it wrong. Apparently not. I hope you got some today. It did rain here, but I doubt it was more than a half inch. That's ok, though -- we're wet as can be. I love your bird skulls. For quite some time I decorated some of my outdoor pots with about a half-dozen raccoon skulls. Eventually, they disappeared, though I don't know when or how.

    I do have a young possum stopping by now. It's still quite small, but agile. I was able to get some photos of it today. I have a feeder just outside where I can see it from my desk, and I put out a handful of shelled peanuts there for the squirrels. Who knew that possums adore peanuts, too?

  4. Yard work is so overwhelming to me. I mean, I can mow & I enjoy it on the riding mower (wouldn't mind a push mower, but we never had one powerful enough). But all the weeds and maple trees (which are also weeds where they're trying to grow) is just too much for me to contemplate. I admire how much you DO get done! But two yards (really three) is a bit much for one person!

  5. Yay for the beautiful birthday desserts you enjoyed, hybrid fruit notwithstanding. I hope your lawn mower recovers. The pacemaker I had placed a year ago March has been the difference between doing and not doing.

  6. In typical american fashion, the strawberries are all about looks. We eat more of them to scrape a tiny bit of flavour out of puffed up perfect looking chemical anti fruit. , Typical! American illusion ! Hard to find but there are still wild berries up here, the difference is remarkable - the size is tiny. Mo bigga is not bettah.

  7. Well, no rain is not good, but I'm glad to see you're not inundated like Houston is. The news suggests that things are grim there. When we lived in the RV, rodents were always on our minds. Sometimes we would see their leavings in the undercarriage storage bays, but they never got in. The factory did a good job spray foaming any entrance points. I miss strawberries, they used to be good.

  8. Finally getting out to work on the weeds in my garden beds. My son who lives with me and I have been making an effort to get out there more often now that our weather is finally warming up a bit. I can't imagine how you can keep up with your big yard and your sister's big yard too. Hope the guy who mows feels better soon or you can find someone else to do that work for you.

  9. I just cleaned out a kitchen cabinet and found rodent droppings. I think they're very old but still...I'm nervous! Funny how your mouse goes after the bird skulls.

    Strawberries are terrible these days, aren't they? I don't even buy them.

  10. I've gotten some huge strawberries in the store the last couple of months. Impressive to look at, but no flavor. Certainly not sweet. IIRC it's not only due to having been bred to withstand shipping (at cost of flavor as usual) but also due to too much rain where they were grown.
    I hope you find that mouse soon!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.