Friday, February 23, 2018

three things

I finally finished the model for the lizard and anemones. Another 10 hours so I was half right. It doesn't look fundamentally different from the last picture I posted but it is much cleaner, smoother, the parts you can see and the underneath parts. I'm glad to be done with it.

6” L x 5” W x 2.25” H

So that's good news but the really good news is Rocky showed up this morning to start on the rest of the house. He had planned to be here Monday but last week just as he was finishing up at the other house all hell broke loose with a water leak behind the new finished wall in the bathroom and once repaired and water turned on, no water from the well so now all the galvanized pipes need to be replaced in her house. Same will have to be done in the little bathroom here. Anyway, there's lots of sawing and hammering going on back there right now trimming up the sheetrock and getting the old closet wall demolished and getting ready to cut the holes in the outside wall for the etched glass. 

Once he got the sheetrock off the back wall of that room, turned out there used to be a window on that wall, now boarded up. 

And there used to be a door to the little backyard on the outside wall, also boarded up. I'm thinking about putting it back. Or maybe french doors! but probably not. FEMA paid for the repair of the structure and my studio room. We're paying for the back bedroom and bathroom.

Last Wednesday after boasting about spring, it turned cold and wet and still overcast though it's quickly warming up today (and after I wrote that it's gotten partly cloudy so yay for the sun peeking out). 

We've had a few partly cloudy days but I don't think we have had a clear blue sky day this month or most of last month either. Last year at this time I was working over at the garden every day hauling and shoveling many yards of dirt, laying out weed cloth and spreading hay. I haven't even so much as looked over there so far this year.

The third thing no, the weather was not the third thing even though it did get a picture is tomorrow I take Marc to the airport for a week with my brother in Colorado. My brother skies, Marc does not. He doesn't even like the cold and snow but he goes to hang out with my brother and give me a week at home alone. Won't be much of a week alone since I'm guessing Rocky and Gunner will be here all next week.


  1. Construction! Gotta love it when the contractors show up! Here in Shasta County we've have a contractor pull the toilet and then go hunting for two days leaving us without conveniences. Also closed up the entry door, then went fishing and we had to climb in the dining room window for a couple of days.

    Can't wait to see finished projects!

    1. I'm lucky as Rocky lives at the other end of my street. the poor guy is so busy I don't think he's had a decent weekend off since the flood.

  2. We are in constant construction mode over here but I am trying to be patient because my husband is doing 99% of it himself and he's doing it so beautifully.
    Can I just say that I think you're being cheated out of a week alone?
    That ain't right.

    1. I totally agree but I'm not about to send Rocky on his way after all this time. been waiting for him to start again since New Year's.

  3. Lizard and anemones is beautiful and shows every second of your amazing talent - I'm so encouraged and inspired by this I'm going to try wax - any tips?

    1. thanks Jennifer. I'll email you. forgot to put the size...6” L x 5” W x 2.25” H

  4. The blue sky is wonderful. We've had one blue sky day all winter. I read that Ohio is the second cloudiest state, all year round, after Washington State. Who woulda thunk.

    I'm impressed by the dimensions of the lizard and anemones.

  5. It acts spring some here, but not for long.Maybe if you played the Rocky theme he would finish faster. LOL

  6. I bought soil and mulch yesterday in hopes of building up one bed, but it won't stop raining and it has been cold. I just hate it. Pretty piece you have made.

  7. Wow, I don’t miss those water leak repair construction days! Sorry you are having to go through it.

    1. the leak was not my house but the other house he was working on but I do have some galvanized pipes that are clogged up in the little bathroom that have to be replaced.

  8. After several lovely days, we've had rain here today. Good day to stay inside & do all the work I avoided Friday & Saturday. Well, I'm doing SOME of the work. Remains to be seen whether I get the rest done.

    I hope you get to enjoy some of the perks of being partner-free, even if you're not entirely alone!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.