We ate our first food from the garden this week, spinach and peas. The tomatoes are blooming and, I think, maybe starting to set. The beans first bloom opened, the volunteer butternut squash are sending out buds and the japanese eggplant put out it’s first flower bud. I’m glad we got a good rain this weekend as we will be in the city all this week.
The birdsong has been delightful except for the two days it rained all day. But, that was how I knew the rain was over because the birds started singing again. I went for a walk down the county road and saw a pair of scissor tail flycatchers, my first time for seeing these birds. I knew what they were because one of the jobs I did last year was native Texas birds and trees and the client specifically requested that bird. One thing I noticed when I was doing the art work for that job was that even reduced to a line drawing, I could still tell which birds were which. Each bird has it’s own distinctive shape, size and features. Kind of a ‘duh’ moment but one of those things you don’t really think about. A bird is a bird. right? Same with trees...leaf and branch structure, distinctively different.
No snake encounters this week. Instead it was toads. Felt like I was in the middle of one of the 10 plagues. It rained steadily for two days and when it came to an end there was a symphony of frogs and toads. The 13 acre field behind us was quite loud. Last night, I looked up to see a toad making his way across my floor. I admit, we keep the doors open with no screen, but this guy had to go through the entire garage to get to this door and another was trying it’s best to get in behind it. This morning, when I took my walk, I never saw so many squished toads in all my life! And it’s not like there is a lot of traffic around here.

One last note, at my sister’s house, the duck has finally started laying. 8 eggs so far. When I was there yesterday picking up eggs for my city friends, she showed them to me. I was surprised that they weren’t any bigger than a chicken egg. ‘She’s a small duck’, my sister told me. True, she is a small duck. ‘Want to try one?’, she asks. Ummmm, maybe. So now I have two duck eggs.
Love seeing the garden vegetables. My husband plants a garden every year. We don't start planting everything here in MI until the end of May in case of frost. Seems late, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteWe're lucky enough down here to get two gardens a year. If you are so inclined you can plant in the spring and then again in the fall. End of May seems very late to me. Here if you plant then, everything will burn up in the summer heat.
ReplyDeleteStuff from the garden already? How nice.
ReplyDeleteI'm always curious about the frog and rain thing. I have been out in the middle of the desert and it will rain and there will be tiny little frogs everywhere! People have not believed that story - but now you confirmed - frogs and rain! (Any idea how?)
How wonderful to eat truly fresh vegetables. My great homeopath back in San Francisco said that people who eat homegrown food never need vitamin supplements. I salute you!
ReplyDeleteDuck eggs? I'll be eager to hear whether they taste any different than chicken eggs. You'll let us know, right?
Welcome Reya, I will just as soon as I get the up nerve.
ReplyDeleteLover of Life...I figure they must be somewhat akin to vampires. They bury themselves in the ground and go into suspended animation until it gets wet enough for them.
what a good feeling,harvesting th fruit of your labor, isn't it? It is more fulfilling and tastes more sweeter because it came from your own effort. Maximize your springtime then,goodluck.