Tuesday, February 27, 2024

eye repair, snipped kitty, and Sunday's task

Yesterday was my annual eye appointment and the good news is that my eyesight hasn’t worsened and the good/bad news is that she did
not tell me the cataract in my left eye wasn’t bad enough for surgery, come back in a year. My left eye, which is my seeing close eye, has really been bothering me for the last several months. It’s been feeling like there is some goo that I can never rub out or a sheer veil that doesn’t make things more blurry so much as reduces the clarity. I had to fill out a questionnaire considering my answers as if I was looking with my left eye only. Anyway, I had two options for where the surgery will be done, at the hospital here or the hospital in Bay City a half hour away. I will need to be taken and then picked up with about 3 hours in between. So rather than Marc having to sit around the hospital in Bay City for 3 hours plus the hour of drive time I opted for the hospital here. The downside to that is that she only gets one day a month at the hospital here. The March slot is taken, she will be out of town during the April slot, so it will be May before I get the cataract removed. The right eye is also developing a cataract but it’s not bad enough for surgery yet.

Yesterday was also the brown tabby’s day to get taken to the vet to get snipped. This little cat is mostly silent, has a very quiet mew when he does mew and the only way I can tell if he’s purring when I hold and pet him is from the vibration in his throat. He was very loud and vocal in the car but after a few minutes he quietly settled down until we got to the vet where he expressed his displeasure. I’ll pick him up this afternoon. It may be awhile before he lets me pick him up again though the gray tabby got over it pretty quick.

I moved all the rest of the outdoor plants back outside last weekend and we even got the last three out of the garage, the biggest most problematic being the night blooming cereus. It is huge. And heavy. And cumbersome. And needs a new pot as the plastic one it’s in is starting to break apart. I’m going to have to cut it back though I don’t want to because I love how big it is and that it gives me 20 or more flowers at a time. Not that I always see them since it blooms at night.

So the task I had to attend to over at Pam’s house Sunday was filling an animal burrow, my guess would be armadillo. I don’t know if you can tell from this picture but there is a big hole under the bottom stair of the steps up to the front door and it extends under the concrete paver that the post sits on, which was already tilting down into the hole, and on under the house. Fortunately I had a wheelbarrow load of clayey dirt from digging the hole I planted the yellow angel trumpet in. 

First I pulled out the ferns that had migrated there in front of the steps and in between the steps and house and moved all the rocks she had there and the concrete paver at the bottom of the steps for better access to the hole. 

Shovel some dirt on two sides of the paver under the post and into the hole under the stair, used a length of 2” x 4” and a hammer to pound it down as far as I could, more dirt, more pounding, add a little water, more pounding until I felt like I had it well filled and compacted. 

Then I got a small piece of limestone I had hanging around and pounded it in the space between the 2” x 8” and the bottom of the step. I still need to get some small shims to complete that part. And then I put the rocks and the other paver back in place.


  1. The armadillo problem is fascinating to this yankee. Do you know if it was in or out when you blocked the hole? Up north, the similar problem would be a burrowing animal like a groundhog or skunk burrowing under the foundation for a winter nest and/or birthing room. Then it's a problem of shutting the animal in, babies, etc.
    Sorry it's so late, but being on the schedule to remove that cataract is important. You won't miss it when it's gone.

    1. Well, I hope it was out, whatever it was. I probably should have lifted one of the skirt panels and crawled under the house to see what was what.

  2. I was told I needed to have both eyes done about 3 years before we sold the park. Recently had my eyes checked and my prescription has not changed and was told I only have the beginnings of cataracts! The alarmist who said I needed surgery sooner than later also told me I had the beginnings of macular degeneration and none was detected. Who do I choose to believe? Since I don't have any vision problems, I think I will choose the latter! I have some water run-off issues near the back corner of the carport. Problem there is the drop off on the sloping ground. I have enough rock to fill in the hole, but I need some rebar and cement blocks to protect the rocks from just rolling down again. It will be a major job!

    1. same happened to me. went to an optometrist first 3 years ago, told me I needed cataract surgery and that I was developing macular degeneration so I started taking the B&L eye vitamins. when I finally went to the ophthalmologist about a year later she told me not bad enough for surgery, come back in a year and she did not see any macular degeneration. I still take the eye vitamins.

  3. I'm beginning to wonder if my left eye has taken a turn for the worse. Cataract surgery scares the poop out of me, going blind would be such a bummer. Congratulations on another cat snipped.

    1. it does me too. being awake while they cut on your eye. but everyone says it's no big deal. one more kitten to go.

  4. most folks are well pleased with cataract surgery. It is amazing to be able to see so clearly! Colors are brighter and there is purple and blue!!! Just research well, surgeons can vary, as you know. I got a bad one!
    Good work on the critter hole! Pam would be grateful.

    1. that's what my brother said, I'd be surprised how blue everything is but blue looks pretty blue to me now. I like my ophthalmologist and my PC approved.

  5. I've heard very good things about cataract surgery these days.
    We have a place under some steps that I know an armadillo burrows in. We've not done much about it.

    1. If you want to pay upwards of $2K for the fancy lens you can get your vision corrected. my insurance won't pay for that so it would be out of pocket. I'll stick with just a clear lens and cheaters or glasses if I need them.

      the only reason I filled in the burrow is because it was affecting the stability of the stairs.

  6. I was so scared of the cataract surgery, and so happy once it was done, whole new life of seeing.
    Thank you so much for being good enough to get the cats caught and neutered. They'll live more peacefully, as well as not reproducing a lot more kits

    1. so everyone says. it still freaks me out to think about them cutting on my eye. one more kitty to go. I'd like to find homes for them but they are a pretty bonded trio and are very wary of other people. they trust me because I feed them.

  7. I'm glad you have your procedure scheduled! I was going to say that I'll bet the kitten won't remember, but after his back surgery 4 years ago Mike stepped on a cat by accident (it was very traumatic for both of them) & that cat STILL avoids him like the plague. So I guess we'll see!

    1. he was not a happy kitty when they brought him out but when he saw my face and heard my voice he settled down in the car, was quiet all the way back and let me pick him up when I let him out so I guess he forgot I'm the one that took him there and now I saved him. he is a sweet boy.

  8. I had excellent care and confidence with cataract surgery.The only problem was their billing methods, which took months to straighten out! Apparently if I had had just Medicare, it would have covered everything, but since I had a supplement, I had to pay a lot more, but they weren't very clear on how much...a big rip off of my insurance I think! I finally got a refund when I said, this is how much you owe me!

    1. that makes me wonder about what I might have to pay. I have medicare and a supplement. I didn't think about a co-pay but there probably is one. my co-pay was $300 when I had the ablation done.

  9. Glad you have the cataract surgery scheduled. I remember when my Mom had it done and she was amazed at how well she could see afterward and impressed by the colors she could see again.

  10. I've heard people say that having cataract surgery makes a HUGE difference. So, something to look forward to, anyway! I hope that armadillo wasn't in the burrow while you were filling it in! (Surely he would have made his presence known.)

  11. I know that cataract surgery is safe and all but it's the one thing that scares me. My grandmother got both eyes done when she was over 90 and felt like a young woman (her words) afterwards, so if my time comes, I'll try and be her in spirit.
    Very admirable repair job you did there with the steps!

  12. When I had my cataract surgery done, each eye took about 15 minutes for the procedure itself, and was utterly painless. I had new lenses implanted, too, and it was one of the most interesting experiences I've had. For the cataracts, they used a laser. The machine was about the size of a shoebox, and what it did was go in and break up the cataract into little pieces. Then, they used the surgical equivalent of a teeny-tiny vacuum cleaner to suck up the pieces, and voila! Done! For my second eye, I chose to stay awake for the insertion of the new lens, and that was really fun. I could hear everything going on around me, including the surgical assistants discussing what to have for lunch (pizza or Chinese?)until the surgeon said, "Shut up. She's awake!"


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.