Friday, February 9, 2024

definitely spring and a pissed off cat

Some nest building going on.

Yesterday was my other busy day at SHARE. It was a food delivery day from the regional food bank and we were short four or five regular volunteers, two from the food order filling where I work and then the Elders, who work in the back with us, didn’t show up either. I usually have help restocking while I’m filling baskets and the guys put the baskets back on the rack but yesterday I had to do both those things as well as keep up with the empty baskets. I think we had 28 or 29 food orders yesterday. 

It’s always a surprise what the food bank sends us besides what Jan orders or if we get everything Jan ordered. This week we got an assortment of fresh produce and four of those huge cartons, approximately 4’ x 4’ x 4’, filled with small appliances and general house goods. I don’t know what all was in them as I was so busy I didn’t even think about taking a picture but they were filled to overflowing. Jan thought she was ordering some smaller crates of appliances for $7 each. We got those big ones for the same price. All that stuff eventually goes out on the floor for people to choose from though I’m unsure how often a client can pick something. There are quantity limits and limits on how often a client can avail themselves of everything from food to clothing to small appliances and other home goods to personal hygiene to financial assistance to miscellaneous stuff that gets donated. You can’t show up every week and get a full complement of what we offer. The only thing we cannot refuse is a request for food, however, if someone hasn’t waited the two or three months necessary for the full complement of food we offer then they get what is called the USDA box, a short basic list mandated by the government.

Wednesday when I went to feed the half wild kittens I got out one of the carriers and put a small dish of food in there, fed them all and snatched up the gray tabby while he was distracted by eating, put him in the carrier and closed the door. All seemed fine, he continued to eat until I picked up the carrier. OMG! it was like holding a hurricane in a box. He was thrashing around so forcefully that the carrier was jumping all around while I carried it to the car and then he squalled all the way to the vet and as they were carrying him to the back. When I picked him up Thursday afternoon, squalling all the way home, and let him out he ran up to each of his brothers and rubbed faces. He was glad to be back. Surprisingly enough, he let me pick him up and cuddle him a bit when I fed them today.

There is nothing worth taking a picture of except for this, my little dwarf redbud tree opening some flowers.

And nothing else to write about except politics and republicans who show us at every turn that they don’t have an ounce of integrity between the lot of them. Can’t come up with any evidence of wrongdoing, nothing to indict the president on so instead the republican special prosecutor investigating government documents found in Biden’s old office used his report to smear Biden, painting him as a memory impaired doddering old geezer who couldn’t even remember when his son died. And yet they fully support a man who daily shows us that he is a memory impaired doddering old geezer who constantly confuses one person for another or what happened under which president, who can’t even complete a sentence and garbles words and who is under indictment in three criminal cases. Go figure.



  1. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reprinted a column by a NYT writer who said, for the most part, he had changed his mind; Trump can be kept off the ballot (in fifty states). I read the entire thing, which said the man had sworn to uphold the Constitution of this country, and so was in violation of the 14th amendment, having participated in an insurrection against the Constitution.
    I remember taking my very feral kitten, Toby, for his first vet visit, in a regular plastic carrier. He ripped out his four week old claws, so great was his anguish. I spent a good deal of money to buy him a soft sided carrier with mesh inserts and lambs wool padding. That carrier served us well for six or seven years, until the time I put him in hours too soon and I returned to slashed mesh and no cat. I told him that carrier had not amortized well, and it was a plastic carrier for him from then on.

    1. I don't imagine I'll have any reason to put him in there again.

  2. Glad little fixed kitten was happily reunited with family and again liked your touch...just not that box thing, please! It will be fun (NOT) to see how the Supremes wiggle out of getting tRump removed from ballots from the 14th amendment restrictions. There will be legal shenanigans soon!

    1. and Ketanji Jackson is siding with letting him on! simply because it doesn't specifically say 'president', as if the president isn't an officer of the government.

  3. I realize that Garland was trying to avoid being called partisan when he appointed Hur as Special Counsel for the Biden document issue, but for him to let that guy release a report that exonerated Mr Biden of ANY wrongdoing and then take a gratuitous chickens**t swipe at him is just BS. Hur's job was to determine if there was any wrongdoing on the part of the President and that's it, period, full stop. And you are right about the career criminal who cannot differentiate between Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley, he is devolving more each day.

    1. Garland should have called Hur on the carpet and reminded him of what his job was and that defaming and smearing Biden wasn't part of it. instead of just saying there are no charges because there was no wrongdoing he insinuated that there was wrongdoing but because Biden was a doddering old fool it would be wrong to put him in prison. Garland will not survive. if Biden doesn't replace him before the election he surely will when he is re-elected.

    2. Yup, that phone call will be the 1st one he makes on Inauguration Day.

  4. So on to kitten number 2 for the vet and what's going to happen to them then? When we moved house, my daughter sat with one of the cats wrapped in a pillow case on the passenger seat as all other attempts of transportation had failed. All through the trip (30 mins), we were waiting for someone to stop us because the pillow case was howling like a siren.

    1. I'll wait a couple of weeks to give them time to 'forget'. when I was married the first time we had two cats and we used a vet that was cats only. we didn't have a carrier and that's what she said for us to do, put them in pillowcases and tie off the end. I don't recall them protesting all that much though.

  5. Biden or Trump? It’s really not much of a choice is it? Except that one will set out to destroy the country, its environment, its democratic form of government, pardon rioters, surround himself with sycophants and conspiracy theorists…. And on and on. Okay, let’s go for Biden! But the bar is very low.

  6. Did you know that the missionary president of both the "Elders" and "Sisters" keeps careful track of any and all work that the missionaries do in order to add that in to what they can proudly claim as how much they have donated to charities? They give the volunteer work a dollar figure. AND the missionaries pay to go on their missions. This is one of the many reasons that the LDS church has over $250 BILLION dollars and is the fifth largest private landowner in the US? And of course, they pay no taxes because they are a church.
    And of course, most of them are diehard Republicans.
    But anyway- sounds like you do an awful amount of work at SHARE this week.
    Good job on getting that little cat neutered. I've carried a few cat carriers that were possessed myself.
    I love your little mockingbird picture. Yep. Time to build the nest!
    I sort of think that Trump may be having TIA's, the way he's getting his words all tangled and forgetting who he's talking about. I'm not honestly sure he's going to make it through a campaign.

    1. I did not know any of that. they have to pay to go on these missions? that's fucked up. I know the church shifts them around every 6 to 8 weeks and they often have to participate in some sort of meeting on their phones during the time they are at SHARE. the church provides them an apartment here and gives them a food allowance every two weeks which is a pathetically small amount so Jan loads them up with whatever they want to take from our stocks.

      Trump is disintegrating. his speeches are more and more weird and his crowds are getting smaller and smaller but still the republicans kowtow to him.

  7. Thank you for your hard work at Share. I hope they get more volunteers to show up and help.
    Do you read Heather Cox Richardson? I get her "Letters from an American" newsletter everyday in my email inbox and she does a good job of explaining what's going on in our country.
    Like you, I can't understand what Republicans see in that awful man.

    1. we usually have plenty of volunteers and it's unusual to have so many out on one day.

      yes, I do get HCR's newsletter and recommend that everyone sign up.

  8. I think that kitten didn't really know how he got in the box so he didn't blame you. Although of course I have absolutely no idea. Ha!

    I feel so depressed these days thinking about the climate, wars, old white men telling us all what we can & can't do... I literally feel a pressure on my body like the Man really IS keeping me down. Oof.

  9. I laughed and laughed at your description of caging and carrying your cat. That was Dixie Rose, for sure. There were times when I feared she would tear the walls off her carrier. She didn't, but that cat could howl. Your redbud's so pretty. I saw a tree with white blossoms last week. It was off the road and I didn't take the time to go check it out, but it was a clear 'spring signal.' Speaking of which, I found ten-petal anemones at Brazos Bend on Friday afternoon. I had finished up a job, so I gave myself the afternoon off and ran over there: photos of both white and pink will be coming to a blog near you!

  10. Well, whatever the ReTrumplicans accuse anyone else of doing is a Tell that it's exactly what they're doing or are... they're pretty predictable that way. Poor Kitty... our Eli is a Character too, I think he's grown too big for his Carriers, he's the size of a small Dog now. Should have known when as a Kitten his Paws were as big as a St. Bernard's. *LOL*

  11. The mainstream media are pissing me off to the point that I can't stand it. They're just lying liars, all of them.

  12. That kitten must be telling his brothers what the deal was and they might be harder to catch! They talk among themselves, you know!!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.