Friday, January 20, 2023

dreary day

I have poison ivy on my face. How the fuck did I get poison ivy on my face! I also have it on the index and middle fingers of my left hand and the thumb and middle finger on my right hand but I know how I got it there. The back edge of my property where it meets the wild space is lined with poison ivy and that's where I throw the banana tree mush. There's no leaves on the poison ivy, just the bare stems. I didn't think too much about it because I figured they would be dry and dead after the temps in the teens and twenties but obviously I was wrong about that and I brushed up against it when throwing the banana tree sections into the wild space. But how I got it on my forehead is a mystery.

Our warm spring like weather is over for at least the next two weeks. It was already as warm as it was going to get when I got up this morning. It's a dreary day in deep contrast to the previous warm sunny days, cold overcast windy, and a little wet. The birds continue to mob the bird feeder. I tried to get a picture but I was shooting through the door glass on magnification and it's too far away for a good shot but there's a big flock of goldfinches along with cardinals, chickadees, titmice, house finches, warblers, and doves. I think I have finally foiled the squirrels! It's been a week and a half since I have seen one on the bird feeder. Fear not that they are starving. I put cracked corn out every morning for them. The cardinals and blue jays like it too.

Things that were on the to do list this week...drop my poop test off at the post office, I know TMI but tough shit. Ha ha. Get more bird seed, take the recycling in, goop up the split in the collar on the water pipe into the shop, cut back the roses. Go to yoga class. Continue to look for a picture of me in my prom dress which I made, very hippy dippy. I know I have that picture, I can see it in my mind, and the other ladies at yoga want to see it and I thought I had it on my computer but apparently not.

I made it to the post office, took the recycling, cut back the roses, cut back all the dead wild Mexican petunias, went to yoga (and I've been very good about my home routine when I don't have class), got bird seed, volunteered at SHARE, haven't found the picture. Nothing is getting accomplished today. Dinner. I have to make dinner later.

Don't even have a picture to post except this dandelion.

Almost lunch time and then I hear a couch and book calling my name.


  1. You must have swiped your forehead after you got some of the invisible sap on your fingers. One should not have to worry about mosquitoes or poison ivy in the winter!

  2. I like that the couch is calling your name. Hope you listen. My biggest achievement of the day was cycling through sleet and snow on icy roads cursing too loudly to hear any couch calling my name.

    1. You're made of stronger stuff than me. I would not be cycling in sleet and snow.

  3. Here comes the voice of experience to note that bare poison ivy stems on the trunks of trees can cause problems, too, even in the dead of winter. That oil doesn't go away. We had some that we removed from clay pots, and six months later those pots caused a rash. How it got on your face I can't say, but if you had the oil on your hands...

    Believe it or not, I have a Yellow-rumped Warbler that's taken up residence around my patio. It seems to enjoy the sunflower chips and the dried mealworms in the feeders. It's still a little skittish, but I'm hoping to get a photo. And one of my friends in Santa Fe sent me photos of three big clumps of white daffodils that are blooming in her yard. They just appeared; she didn't plant them. Apparently the conditions were just right; they're in a spot that might have been a garden years ago.

    1. I have no idea why blogger won't hold my name and URL any more. They won't let me log in through Google, either. That's me, as anonymous.

    2. Your first comment came as anonymous but your reply came as you. Go figure. Those little warblers winter over here. I watched one day while bigger birds tried to dislodge one from the feeder without success. My daffodils have come up but no buds emerging yet.

  4. Poison ivy is sneaky stuff. It really ought to go dormant, but no.

  5. Poison Ivy, my nemesis! Ivy Dry is the only product that will give me any relief. I have tried everything from Pepto Bismol to banana peel. Steroids, but yo need a prescription.

    1. I'll have to look for that stuff. Usually if I know I've gotten into it I use a special soap which removes the oil but didn't this time and man do I regret that.

  6. That poison ivy certainly has you down; we haven't hear a word about anything/body, including George Santos.

  7. Sorry to hear about the poison ivy! Hope it clears up soon and isn't too painful.
    It has gotten colder here and we may have snow by morning (but not too much). That is typical for Illinois so I can't complain!

  8. Maybe you brushed your face with your fingertips after they contacted the poison ivy? That's my guess. I could have sworn you'd even posted a picture of that prom dress but I searched your blog and I guess not. I did see your other sartorial creations from that time period, though. :)

    1. I thought I had published it on the blog too but so far can't find the keywords that will show the post.

  9. I've had it on my breasts, eyes and mouth. It is terrible. hope all is well with you.

    1. I learned to recognise it at a distance as a kid when we lived in a wooded area. I'd get it all over my arms and legs. I have one little spot on my left eyelid but it hasn't bothered me too much. It's the two fingers on my left hand that are really bad. They look like alligator skin right now.

  10. I don't know why it said I'm anonymous. I'm Donna from Gather.

    1. OMG! I can't imagine the pain.... arrrrgh!

    2. Hi Donna! Life is good. Hope all is well with you too.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.