Tuesday, March 12, 2019

a tree died for this

note – wrote this yesterday/Monday

I finally got my application with all the documentation completed today. I had 99% done by 11 PM last night, went to the Wharton Recovery Office this morning after breakfast to ask my final questions and there were 9 people on the list ahead of me with #2 and #3 in the little office being helped. The guy I was sitting next to had a stack of papers twice as thick as mine at least and he informed me that it would take two hours at least per person. A quick calculation of 6 X 2 was 12 hours minimum so no fucking way was I getting in today just to ask a few questions. These people were all there to get help filling out the application. I went to my car, made a phone call, got my answers and headed home after I scratched my name off the list where I got the last things filled in and organized and all my account numbers blacked out. Tomorrow I head into Sugar Land to the nearest office to hand in my application because the office in Wharton is only available Mondays and Fridays.

this baby is 89 pages and 1/2” thick and I only had four rooms that were worked on

Yesterday morning I hauled all the plants outside that were wintering over in the back bedroom 

and the garage and gave them all a good watering and today they all look much happier. I'd like to say they are happier because they're getting some direct sun but no, sunny days are scarce. All we get is overcast and fog and rain. This morning I caught two four anoles in the bedroom that came in with the plants but didn't leave with them. I'm sure they're much happier too as it was far too easy to catch them.

Last week the Monday low was 29˚. It got up to 80˚ today but the rest of the week will be in the 70s and 60s for daytime highs. Now that I'm not up to my eyeballs in paperwork I'm noticing all the springy stuff going on. Everything is putting its spring green finery on. The indian paintbrush is starting to fill out in the fields, my other absent neighbor's redbuds have finally started to bloom, even the bluebonnets are looking better with the white spots turning red but now I'm not so sure it's because they were fertilized or because the pollen got old as Shoreacres explained but I have seen a few bees.

hard to get a picture of anything that isn't wet

Today's addition...

Ugh. Overcast, foggy and drippy. Again. But now that the days are warmer the frogs are definitely digging it.


  1. I will hazard guess that no one is really closely looking at this paperwork anymore...just a guess.

  2. It will be interesting to see how long it takes FEMA to get back to you. I'm enjoying spring vicariously, through your photographs. goD knows, the only things with spring in their little hearts at my place are the chickens - egg production is up. Although, since we are still seriously lacking in the sunlight department, the production goes up and down like a merry-go-round.

    1. not FEMA but a program from the Texas General Land Office

  3. Good for you on getting that paperwork in! You rock, Ellen!
    We got a little rain last night and I was actually glad for it. We sure aren't getting what you're getting.

  4. An impressive piece of work. It will be a relief to get back to dirt or glass.How's Mama Turtle?

  5. You certainly have your hands full with all that paperwork and the gardens to tend. The flowers do look beautiful and eventually all this bureaucracy will be done. Hopefully, the sun will shine soon. Our weather is similar, only colder.

  6. Man that's a lotta paper! Kudos to you for sticking with it & getting it finished! I'm noticing spring around here too. I keep eyeing the spring onions & trying to decide if I should go ahead & mow - if it ever stops raining that is.

  7. I did their paper work and then they snubbed me with too many excuses.Thank you congressman who was going to he;lp

    1. I don't truly expect to get anything because the amount the have to spread around isn't all that much but if I didn't at least submit the application I sure wouldn't get anything.

  8. I'm impressed you got the paperwork completed. It must feel like a relief, at least you did your part. I hope you will be rewarded. And 29 degrees to 80 degrees in one week. wow.

  9. That's a big fat passle of paperwork. Good for you for sticking with it, and getting it done. I'm feeling a little verklempt over the new tax laws/forms. It won't be anything like you had to do, but I do hate paperwork.

    Your flowers are looking great. I was down around Palacios last weekend, and the Texas dandelions were especially gorgeous. I've never seen them so tall, or so plump. They really were beautiful. Every day something else shows up -- today, it was the lyre leaf sage.

    1. all this rain has been good for some things. I had some lyre leaf sage when I lived in Houston but I rarely see it out here.

  10. Hope all the paperwork does come to something for you - otherwise your garden pics are lovely, esp the spawn!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.