Thursday, December 27, 2018

post christmas post

I trust everyone who celebrates Christmas had a lovely day. It was quiet and peaceful here. If you've been reading me for awhile you know it's not a holiday I participate in. If you are new here and are curious I wrote about it most recently here and here. If you want me at my cynical best read the last two paragraphs here. And so as is the tradition on the day after Christmas, millions of people flocked to the stores yesterday to return all those gifts you bought so lovingly or thoughtfully or just grabbed in desperation.

Trump's Christmas present to civil servants was, of course, to shut down the government putting them on furlough days before the holiday denying them the ability to, you know, pay their mortgages, all because he hates brown people. Trump and his administration's cruelty and heartlessness knows no bounds. I'd say that it couldn't get worse but I know better than to invoke the gods and so on Christmas Eve, ICE dropped off hundreds of migrants, that they could no longer hold in detention, at a bus station and a park in El Paso and hundreds more on Christmas Day with no money, no food, no blankets, no guidance, and without alerting the charities, shelters, and churches in advance that help integrate these people so they could be ready for them with beds, food, and advocates. Yes, we want them released, not held indefinitely in detention or until their hearings come up but we want it done in a compassionate manner, coordinating with the agencies and organizations that help them with the transition. You would think that even Trump's minions would have a modicum of compassion on Christmas Eve but apparently even that is beyond them. Not, of course, that it would be any more acceptable on any other day of the year but because of all the hype that goes into Christmas in this country, it seems a little more callous.

I imagine all the hard hearted right wing commenters on immigration stories and posts were chortling with liberals wanted them all released, well, here ya go, put them up in your home, you feed them and clothe them, how many are you volunteering to take? I can't tell you how many times I have read that in response to someone who is against a wall on the border and against tearing families apart and placing them in detention. How do they go through life like that...fearful, jealous, ungenerous, uncaring, angry and hateful. Compassion helped us survive as a species, when we were small groups and needed everyone to survive in order to survive. And that same need caused us to engage in hospitality, welcoming friend and stranger alike with food and drink and shelter for the night if need be. What has happened?

Ah well, there are good things happening out there. The citizens of El Paso stepped up, the twins, back from their respective colleges, and their mom came out to visit yesterday, the grandboy has a new puppy, the sun is shining after two inches of rain last night accompanied by lightning and thunder which kept the dog and me awake half the night while she trembled and panted in my face, my neighbors waved as they drove by this morning while I was in the front yard, the chickadees and cardinals are helping themselves to the sunflower seeds in the tea cup, and today is Marcmas! He was moaning yesterday about flipping over to 67. I have little sympathy since I'm facing 69 in four months. Birthdays around here usually mean a movie and dinner out but so far no plans have been made.

So, one more week of being mostly unproductive and lazy that I justify because holidays, treading water while the last of this year comes to a much deserved end.


  1. I so love your posts. There are days when I do not recognize my own country. I am holding on for dear life to the hope that the compassionate will rise up and take over. Somewhere along the line, compassion became viewed as a weakness, instead of the strength it is. Heaven help me, I am starting to blame everything on old white men.

  2. At least you have a dandelion growing. Back in the seventies, a very old man named the Border Angel was in Galveston and saw a hispanic man eat a banana peel that someone had thrown down. He was so moved he devoted the rest of his life going to stores and restaurants getting old food and waste to feed the migrants. He died of cancer, but I won't ever forget him. Let us hope and pray we will see the day the thing goes down in flames. Donna@gather

  3. I do think his sins will come home to roost in the coming months. Two dead reason at all for this.

  4. Thank goodness for you, Ellen. It gives me some comfort to know I am not alone in my absolute
    dismay at what is going on. I read about the El Paso fiasco, I would gladly have provided help for some of those poor migrants. It seems that "empathy" is a gene that is completely lacking in some people. I could have just said "amen" to Susan's post above. Usually we do go along with the Christmas routine----lights, gifts, etc.----, but not this year. It would be hypocritical to celebrate
    where we are now,

  5. When Dave and I listened to Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday, his guest host was going on and on about how Americans are the most generous people on earth and how we provide blankets and food and sustenance and due process to all the "illegals" flooding across our borders, and I was thinking, WHAT PLANET ARE YOU LIVING ON?! They simply deny the injustices being perpetrated daily by the Trump administration and ICE. As for not getting anything done, well, the holidays are a perfectly legitimate excuse!

  6. Good for you for treading water. I like that metaphor. I am doing the same over here. Working a bit here and there, but mostly floating. My husband, too, is two years younger. I like how it works.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.