Saturday, July 28, 2018

possible weekend activities

Two more drawings 

and some sketching and planning towards some new pate de verre work. Years ago we did four full light doors for a client of which the designs were native birds and trees. I've always liked those vignettes and am planning a triptych of my three favorites that will be mounted for hanging on a wall. These will be the biggest pieces I have done to date and will have several components. I'm taking a workshop next month in a technique developed by another glass artist which involves modeling the glass powder like clay which I may incorporate in those pieces and will surely use it to make the feather component for the blue heron box (now if I can only decide on the feet for the box which I'm leaning toward egg shapes). Eventually I'm going to have to brave the heat over at the shop and get my wax blanks made so as to start on the models. I can put that off a little longer as I have two models that I started last year that need to be finished.

But now it's the weekend. Now that the house on the inside is done (the exterior still needs to be painted) and now that we retired from the commission work I plan to continue doing my drawing a day for a while but also work on the cast glass Monday through Friday with house and miscellaneous projects for the weekends, at least until it cools off enough to work in the yard and garden. Even so, I should devote at least two hours (or more) a day to the art work.

Today I'm back to working on the door to the little bathroom (at least that's the plan), sanding the jamb down a little more and touching up the paint. Tomorrow I'm going to try and get the four birdhouses up outside somewhere. Of course it's only tolerable out there until about 8:30 AM so that may not happen. Or I could move the antique buffet out of my studio room and into the back bedroom or peel the ruined veneer off the hope chest and get it cleaned up and back in the back bedroom. I'd just get rid of it except my daughter wants it but has no place to put it in her house right now. Or I could hang the lace curtain material I bought in Portugal over the little window in the back bedroom which requires going to a store and getting the brackets and rod. 

Or I could sit and read. I'm more than half way through Dragonfly In Amber, the second in the Outlander series. I guess we'll see how it all plays out especially since I could go take a nap right about now.


  1. I am fighting a nap right now. I read all of the Outlander books and enjoyed them. After I finished them someone called them romance novels. I died. I hate romance books. Anyway, enjoy the day.

    1. well, yes they are romance novels. not hard core like some, maybe borderline but definitely romance. I already find myself skimming past some of the more descriptive passages.

  2. That lace curtain material's beautiful. It would make me happy just to see it fluttering in our nice, cool breez... Oh. Never mind. But it is pretty!

  3. I am late, the weekend is coming to a close here and I wonder how many of your possible activities did you get to do.
    I adore your drawings, that is a poppy?

    1. yes a poppy seed pod and I'll answer your 'wonder' on my next post.

  4. Your plan for your art sounds good - hope you can stick to it! I for one want to see the results :)

  5. My friend Sue brought me back a lace curtain from Italy a million years ago and it is still gorgeous. Why don't we have things like this in the US?
    I'm glad you're keeping your hand in the art world. Obviously, it is what you love. And you are so good at it.

    1. and not only do we not have stuff like that here but I bought it at an open market from a woman who had bolts of lace and fabric lying on a table.

  6. Your drawings are lovely. I so romanticize the artist's life, my road not taken. I hope you went and read, having set down a very fine to do list.

  7. I'm all for the book and nap. Especially in this weather.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.