Wednesday, May 17, 2017

at the risk of running off all my readers...

Trump met with top Russians in the Oval Office, one of whom is generally considered to be a spy and the other the ambassador, excluding the American press from the meeting that the Russian press attended during which, in a fit of braggadocio, Trump passed on some extremely secret intel, code-word intel, that not even all our own people were privy to and not shared with all our allies, jeopardizing not only people and operations in the field but also an important source of intel as they may now think twice before passing on new information to us making this country less safe. You understand this, right? The president of the United States jeopardized the citizens of this country that he swore to protect as well as an important intelligence source and jeopardized the agent in place just so that he could look big and brag in front of the Russians who are NOT our friends. What's worse is that he probably had no idea of the sensitive nature of the information that he was blabbing to the Russians because he thinks national security briefings are boring and he doesn't pay attention.

It is true that a president can choose to declassify information, and that is Trump's indignant reaction to the uproar of passing sensitive intel to the Russians but this was not done after a period of consideration or meeting with security personnel to discuss and decide if it no longer needs be classified. No Trump 'declassified' this intelligence on the spur of the moment to inflate his ego.

Then, the next day after this revelation, Comey reports that Trump had asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn's connections to Russia which Comey rightly refused to do and which eventually got him fired.

And today, while Trump was singing the praises of Turkey's president, Erdogan at the White House, Erdogan's bodyguards were beating up American citizens protesting near the Turkish embassy. Trump's response? Crickets, because that is exactly what he would like to do to protesters.

You would think that in the face of this obvious attempt at obstruction of justice and Trump's casual leak of extremely sensitive information to our national foe that put our intelligence gathering at risk and his blatant disregard for American citizens that Congressional Republicans would finally be moved to put country over party but you would be wrong. Apparently, you have to lie about having sex to garner impeachment proceedings.


  1. But, Ellen...the e-mails! The blow job!

  2. It's just absolutely... I'm not even sure what anymore. :(

  3. Ha! Well obviously, no, that would not get them to wake up because he has come as close to that as close can get...they will literally excuse anything he does. The only way they would stand up is if he actually shot someone and it would have to be a republican because they would cheer if it was a democrat. Seriously, that's about what it would take for these freaks to wake up.

    I'm here to stay, ma'am.

  4. The GOP is the most corrupt group of government officials in power in the whole world as far as I'm concerned!

  5. I keep thinking that admitting wrongdoing is really difficult for many people. But admission on not, the wrongdoer eventually pays.

  6. It is all working out perfect for Putin. Our country is in chaos and we are very vulnerable to the unimaginable.

  7. Personally, I think we need some more players.

  8. The nightmare continues. If only we could wake up!

  9. Complete train wreck. Putin is LOVING this.

  10. You are not running me off, I just cannot believe this gets more appalling every day.

  11. Gripes me no end that U.S. journalists were barred from the meeting with the Russians, and we have to hear what happened from Russians!!!!! Putin will give us his notes to help us believe what Trump says? And, "Comey is a nut job"?!! But, it took pressure off Trump to fire him. Absolutely no logic anywhere...............


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.