Sunday, May 1, 2016

birthday and May Day

So, I'm officially 66 now as yesterday was my birthday. I tend to connect my age with the year so mentally, I've been thinking I was 66 for 4 months. Then I'd have to remind myself when my age was brought up that no, I'm still 65. But now, it's official. 66 is OK, still my mid-60s even if on the downward side. The 60s was a hard decade for me to absorb but last year, I finally felt good about it. Not that I had much choice. I mean, I was here regardless of how I thought or felt about it so might as well get on with it, accept what can't be changed and make the best of it. Life is actually pretty good here at this point in my life.

Birthday selfie caught by surprise by my device camera that seems to take pictures of it's own accord. The 3 second live photo settled on the third second.

Here's another, better, sort of, the flash seemed to think it was too dark.

We went to the movie and out for dinner which is our standard celebration for every event we celebrate...birthdays and anniversaries. Since I'm a big fan of fairy tales and myths we went to see The Huntsman: Winter's War, martinis and dinner at Greek Bros. Bar and Grill. 

The garden club plant show and sale was yesterday. I took my little plants for the sale and came home with some different ones. 

I did not take a single picture. The plant show was small this year though they said it was bigger than last year but even so not even half as big as the show was when my sister was in charge of it. And it was too polished. Everything looked like it had been professionally done, so perfect, too perfect, boring. 

I've been model making the last two weeks so until I'm ready to post about that and since it's May Day, here are some gratuitous flower pictures.

This enormous magnolia bloom is 14” across.

The easter lilies are filling the house with their perfume.

walking iris

lizard tail

queen anne's lace

Cardinals are nest building in the mock dogwood.


  1. Hippy Birthday to you, you make birthdays look good!

  2. Happy birthday! A pretty little iris. Does its name come because it tends to spread?

  3. Love the flower pictures, and Happy Birthday to you. I hope you had a special day.

  4. Happy birthday, Ellen! Love the iris photo, and the unexpected selfie. :)

  5. Well happy birthday. I think the sixties.... Nevermind. Love the flowers and I have never seen a cardinal's nest. Love that.

  6. I'm eagerly anticipating birthday #70. Every time I think of being 70, I'm so amazed I start to giggle. Either that, or it's the mindless laughter of someone losing hers. It sounds like you had a great celebration. I've just noticed the magnolias around here beginning to bloom, and that's a fine specimen you have. I told someone they got as big as dinner plates, and she didn't believe me. She's getting a link to your photo as proof.

    I'm glad to know about the lizard tail, too. I saw some of those at Armand Bayou. they plants were covered with fuzzy black caterpillars. I haven't identified them yet, either.

  7. A very nice celebration it sounds.Those years slip by and never recede.

  8. Missed this one, so sorry. Happy, happy birthday. Mine is the 28th. I will be 66 too.
    How did we get here? A couple of weeks ago I was 45 and thinking "this is good, why is everyone so hung up about getting older?" Now I know...jeez.

    14" Magnolia? Gorgeous!

  9. Happy Happy Birthday! I hope to get to your level of contentment with this decade....

  10. Love your birthday selfies. I take about 10 pictures when I try - & then I often don't end up posting them. My camera roll looks like I'm totally obsessed with myself - ha!

    Love the flowers. We have peony buds. I keep going out every day, but nothing has broken open yet. No, I'm not the least bit impatient. :)


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.