Wednesday, June 30, 2010

river vignette 4 – the Pecos

The g'girl is gone and we have a few days of quiet before we head back to the city to finish the fabrication on this job and pick up the next g'girl. Here's another little moment on the river while I work on some longer posts.

*the sketches that accompany these vignettes do not illustrate that particular moment or even reflect that particular river. I rarely had the time to finish a sketch before I had some chore to do so most of them are just quick studies and are unfinished.

I have already lost track of the day/date, even the number of days we’ve been here. This place has a timeless quality. It could just as well be 5,000 years ago. Sometimes, during the course of the trip you can almost feel the presence of the paleo-indians...the broken point he had been working on all day thrown down in frustration, the painter sitting atop her friend’s shoulders fussing at him to be still, the camaraderie of good friends during shared tasks, the reflections - internal as well as external - of a sunset on the river. Our little group has become a clan, a tribe. Camp goes up, camp comes down like a dance, ever changing and intertwining.


  1. The post and the pics are perfect. Thank you :) ~SkippyMom~

  2. I do enjoy your sketches, and seeing your interpretation of the beautiful views before you.

  3. Beautiful. How wonderful that you are in a timeless place. Timeless and content.

  4. I like your delightful vignettes.

  5. You really hit a chord on this one! Your sketch didn't even need a notation to know where you are. I've spent so much time down there that it feels like home - now I feel homesick, but in a good way. So beautifully written!

  6. Beautifully written and illustrated, Ellen. (I love coming here too, btw!)

  7. Your sketches are truly exquisite.

    Who knows? Maybe you did travel back in time 5,000 years. And then forwards to the here and now.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.