Sunday, December 1, 2024

what we've been watching

Tales From the Loop - a sci fi series of 8 interconnected episodes. The townspeople who live above ‘The Loop’, a machine built to unlock and explore the mysteries of the universe, experience things previously consigned to the realms of science fiction. In episode one a young girl comes home from school one day to find her mother, who works at the Loop and was conducting an experiment, and her house have disappeared. While searching in the woods she meets a boy her same age who sets out to help her find her mother. He takes her home to see if his mother who also works at The Loop can help. I really enjoyed this series. The episodes are quiet and thoughtful about human interaction under bizarre circumstances. Available on Amazon Prime.

Phillip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams - a sci fi series of 10 stand alone episodes based on Dick’s short stories, each very different from the others. I’m a sci-fi fan so I liked this series. Available on Amazon Prime.

In Your Dreams -  set in South Africa, best friends Lloyd and Marcus reconnect with childhood friend Dineo who is now an antiquities dealer. She has recently found an ancient artifact that when held and magic words are said cause the person’s next three dreams to come to life and which they have to vanquish only to be faced with their greatest fear. If they survive that, then their greatest wish will be granted. I really enjoyed this six episode series. Available on Amazon Prime.

Interior Chinatown - the plot is a little hard to follow and some of the action seems far fetched but I guess not for the premise which is that everything that happens is being orchestrated as a TV show by a mysterious group of Chinese mystics in this 10 episode series. Willis, a waiter in the family Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, is bored with his life and sets out to find out what happened to his brother, the Kung Fu guy, who disappeared 12 years previous while working with the police. Willis teams up with ‘Chinatown expert’ Lana who is assisting the famous detective duo of Green and Turner to solve crimes in Chinatown. It has a great cast and worth watching. Available on Hulu.

Troppo - season 1, set in Australia. In season 1 Amanda, recently released from prison for a murder she committed at 17 is trying to rebuild her life as a tattoo artist and private investigator in her hometown where she is reviled by just about everyone. She is hired by a woman who wants her to investigate the disappearance of her husband. She teams up with another outcast, Ted, an ex-detective falsely accused and held in jail for a horrible sexual crime against a 13 year old girl. Released finally for lack of evidence he eventually fled his family and job because of continued verbal attacks and threats. Ted, who just wants to drink his misery away, reluctantly agrees to assist Amanda and is slowly drawn into their collaboration. Amanda is also investigating the apparent suicide of one of her few friends. As she and Ted make headway in their cases they are constantly harassed and threatened by the local police officer. We’re enjoying this one a lot as the truth about Amanda’s crime is revealed. Available on Amazon Prime.

Troppo - season 2. Amanda, freed of the crushing guilt about the night she killed Lauren, has become less caustic, Ted has found purpose in life again and their partnership and friendship has become solid. They are hired to prove the innocence of a murdered man’s son by finding the real killer, Ted is trying to reconnect with his family, and Amanda wants to prove Ted’s innocence. Available on Amazon Prime.

Only Murders In The Building - we’ve watched all four seasons, starring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez. How can you go wrong with a cast like that? Three true crime aficionados band to gather to solve murders in their building and the last two seasons also starred Meryl Streep. It’s very good. Available on Hulu.


  1. We loved "Tales from the Loop," and we liked "Only Murders" but every new season seems slightly less than the one before. "In Your Dreams" sounds interesting.

  2. Looking forward to seeing some of these in the dark times of winter.

  3. We enjoyed Only Murders too. I haven't seen any of the rest of those but will check some of them out.

  4. If I ever watched shows I would definitely watch these!

  5. I don't have those streaming services so I am out of luck with these, Ellen! Oh well!

  6. I didn't stream any of these, but I did find a stream with some frogs. Does that count? Happy watching!

  7. I love Only Murders but sign up with Hulu just long enough to see that!


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