Friday, September 29, 2023

a confession and a tirade

Thursday's are my SHARE days and yesterday I should have just kept my big mouth shut and now I have to offer an apology to one of the other volunteers. This woman works in the clothing area supervising clients making their selections so I don't normally interact with her all that much. She's loud mouthed and pushy in my opinion (yes, I know, people have said the same about me) and I took an instant dislike to her when she first started volunteering which I admit is inherently unfair but I feel like I've sort of suppressed that over the last year or so and I try to be pleasant to her when we interact. Anyway last week because of the food shortage and the dwindling grant money to purchase food, J sent around a memo for us all to sign saying we would not be allowed to take any food purchased for SHARE or donated unless it was a perishable at the end of the day that we had no room to either refrigerate or freeze till the next week.

Now we all on occasion, some of us more than others, have helped ourselves to things that have been bought or donated especially at the end of the day when there are things like day old milk that we get from the dollar stores left over. We can give it out that day but we can't give it out the next week when it's a week out of date or if we get a lot of meat or fish or desserts that we don't have freezer space for it all or like the box of sausages that we couldn't give out because they weren't pre-packaged. But this is all done at the end of the day, not at 11 AM strolling back and helping yourself to whatever meat you want from the freezer because you have guests coming for the weekend. I rarely take stuff for myself though I have. 95% of what I take goes to a neighbor at the other end of the street who has a raft of grandkids she cares for.

So yesterday, this woman came back to the food area where we were all standing around in between food orders wanting candy, gotta have candy for her sweet tooth (and we did get a butt load of chocolate bars that morning from one of the dollar stores) and that's when I opened my big mouth and told her that this food wasn't for us, that we all signed the memo last week about not taking stuff, and if she wanted candy go buy it. When she started complaining about how much candy cost I walked back to my station removing myself from the conversation. And here's the thing, it was a candy bar, not a rack of ribs or something equally egregious, several people had already helped themselves to a candy bar or a small bag of chips and I didn't say anything to them.

Then she came back to where I was, wanted to know what was my problem, that if I have a problem with her to say it to her face (which is what I did I thought) and you take stuff too and I work hard and deserve what I take and I put money in the jar. I wasn't about to argue with her over who takes what, when, or for what reason, I just turned my back on her and went about my job until she finally went back to her station.

Because it really wasn't about her wanting a chocolate bar.

Ten minutes before, she had been going around to every volunteer with her phone telling people to be sure and vote for her man and, big surprise, it was a picture of Trump. When she approached me I just shook my head and walked away and she walked over to the guys, same thing, saying he's better than who we have now destroying the country, heading us into a recession. I managed to keep my mouth shut then because of course there's no convincing a MAGAt who only gets their information from Fox or OAN that Trump is pure evil and doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and intends if elected again to consolidate power in the presidency, throw his detractors in jail, fill every position with people loyal only to him instead of the constitution or law, and fulfill his dream of being a dictator like Putin or Erdogan or Kim Jon Ung all of whom he admires; a convicted rapist, a vindictive liar who refused to accept defeat in a fair and secure election and called his thugs to overrun the Capitol to kill or otherwise incapacitate his vice president and Speaker Pelosi and prevent the peaceful transfer of power that has been a hallmark of our democratic system of government, twice impeached for extortion and dereliction of duty, a criminal indicted four times on 91 counts, who stole highly classified sensitive documents concerning our national security and refused to return them (why exactly do you think the Saudis gave Kushner $2 BILLION), who has had all his business certificates rescinded in NY for fraud and that's just a very short list. Besides not wanting to get into an inappropriate and useless argument with a MAGAt, I do not bring politics into SHARE, none of us do, but me personally, I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW if any of my fellow volunteers support Trump, a man who is ordering the far right 'Freedom Caucus' controlled House to shut down the government in a bid to get the investigations and indictments against him to disappear regardless of how it will negatively affect hundreds of thousands of federal workers, our national security, and our standing on the world stage. I do not want to know because it will permanently negatively affect my opinion of them.

So next week I have to go apologize to this woman for jumping on her over a candy bar because it's really none of my business what she takes or who she votes for.


  1. I do not think you owe her an apology . I also agree with you about your assessment concerning are state of affairs in this country.
    Take Care,

  2. I think estranging yourself from herself is the best. It does not define who you are.

  3. Seems to me like y'all should be required to sign something that says politics are forbidden there. What that woman did should not be allowed. She should be the one apologizing. Of course we know that MAGATS are never wrong, and therefore don't apologise. I think I would have opened my mouth wider than you did! The candy was beside the point. I completely understand how you were feeling at the time, and why you reacted as you did! A hug for you from here. Now, I have to cool down!

  4. I understand why you jumped! And I think it should be a requirement that no canvassing for political figures should happen at share. It's intimidating and inappropriate. I'd ask your manager what's the policy, no matter which candidate is up.

  5. I think you handled this incredibly well given the infuriating and outrageous behavior of someone who is supposed to be volunteering to help others and not filling her mouth and gut with kindly donated chocolates and food. I guess it's the kind of behavior one should expect from someone who supports the one who will not be named. Ugh.

  6. I feel ya. Last summer we went to a family gathering and listened to two brother in laws discussing the upcoming civil war and their desire to rid our country of liberals. I told my husband they are his family. He can do what he wants, but I'm done with it. These are stupid, stupid people.

  7. I don’t think you owe her an apology, she should have kept her hands in her pockets, and shut her Trump-loving fat mouth. Just reading about it infuriates me.

  8. Agree with all comments , you need not apologize if anything your coworker ought to say “ sorry”.

  9. I wouldn't apologize to her. I would have to stay far away from her.

  10. And this is another thing that Trump has done to our country with the help of Fox, et al- divided us so distinctly that there is just no real way for one of us who abhors the man with all of our heart, soul, and intellect, to respect one of his minions. I don't think I could have kept my mouth shut when she was telling everyone to vote for the criminal. I probably would have told her exactly what I thought then and it would have been even worse than what happened with you.
    This was never about the chocolate bar. It was about DT.

  11. No apology. And if she keeps up with the politics, I would talk to the organizers and get a letter sent for everyone to sign saying no politics. Keep. doing what you are doing. I admire your posts and the energy that you spend to try educate.

  12. I'm all for trying to smooth things over, but honestly, if this woman works in another area and you have differences with her anyway (and I understand why you do!) I'm not sure you owe her anything. I'd just let the incident pass and leave it at that.

    In fact, someone in charge needs to tell her not to bring her politics into the workplace. Is there a supervisor who can do that?

  13. No apology. She was wrong to take the candy when things are so tight in the food bank, and she was wrong to try to coerce people to vote for that horrible man.

  14. You handled it well, and there is NO reason for you to apologize.

  15. I'll add my "no apology necessary" to the crowd (although I would TOTALLY apologize because I can't handle conflict - in fact I'd probably make a joke about how I needed a snickers bar like they show in the commercials).

    My cousin had a miracle happen in her life - she had a total MAGA deluded friend who was just devastated by Biden's election, but who has now seen the light about Trump. She's still a republican, but has no idea what they're going to do. She probably just won't vote this time.

  16. Politics have no place in volunteer activities. My husband tends to want to see where people stand, but like religion, I have not desire to start a discussion that I cannot win. Apologize it if makes you feel better.

  17. Totally agree with comments saying you owe her nothing. She's the one who stepped over the line...waaaay over the line with politics. The candy bar is a nothing subject.

  18. You certainly do not have to apologize to this woman. Stay away from her. As you say, there is no way to win with a MAGA, it is a cult. I admire your diplomacy.

  19. No apology necessary! She needs to keep her mouth shut and bite her tongue. That is what I have to do when I encounter an idiot such as her. Every time we go somewhere, there is always one that will approach me, like I am a magnet for stupid people. One goofy man I encountered as I was grocery shopping demanded I "talk politics" with him. He was already being obnoxious to his companion (his wife?) and talking loudly about their sex life. Fortunately, HeWho didn't hear him or he might have taken his cane to the stupid man. When he suggested I exchange my political views, I replied that it wouldn't be a good idea, as he might get hurt. He seemed to think that I was in agreement with him about his candidate and nothing was further from the truth. I would have loved nothing more than to annihilate him and show just how stupid his views were. Had to bite my tongue and the woman who is a volunteer, just as you are has absolutely no business telling anyone who to vote for!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.