Monday, September 25, 2023

busy as a little bee was me

Yesterday I went to the fish market down the highway and got two catfish filets for a recipe I want to try on my next night to fix dinner and then I spent the rest of the day finally finishing wading through those two boxes (previously I had basically just emptied them and the stuff was scattered on the floor) one of which had small frames with pictures of family members, old old pictures. All the pictures were ruined from the flood and most of the frames. I did salvage a few of the frames like these two that had very old pictures of my grandparents as children (you can't tell from the picture but the glass in the frames is curved so I'm glad they weren't ruined)

and these little petite mosaic frames (they still need a little more cleaning)

but I'm still soaking the photos off the glass that goes with other frames salvaged to which they are securely stuck.

The other box had just a mish mash of things like a Halloween witch made from a gourd,

some glassware left over from when I was making the garden totems and flowers, some cast metal pieces that were part of a wind chime kind of thing, a turtle shell, a small ceramic bowl, the broken tea cup bird feeder, some small ceramic faces from another long ago art project,

stuff like that.

Decades ago, before even we started doing the pate de verre cast glass work, I made a lot of these, I don't know what to call them really, they aren't dolls, more like totems. Anyway, I gave some away to friends like the one done up as Carmen Miranda for a river guide friend who was hiking in the desert and had run out of water and was having mild hallucinations when he saw another guide friend mirage dressed up like Carmen. I sold some and kept these four, the last ones I made. They're about 16” tall. They got more and more elaborate as I worked through them, first ones being much simpler. Right now I have them in a glass display case but most the time past they've just been on a shelf getting dusty so they're a little worse for wear having been cleaned several times over the years and the copper wire of the decorations are now all tarnished.

So that's the art project the little faces were for.

The sorted stuff is either in a box to take to SHARE or in a box by the door to be taken over to the shop and stored over there or in the trash. Don't ask me why it all didn't go straight in the trash, I'm an artist/crafter and I might want to use it someday.

Then I consolidated my scrap fabric and leftover quilt padding in a larger plastic storage box, gathered up my colored pencils, watercolors, sketchbook, and various watercolor related stuff into the now vacated smaller plastic storage box as all that stuff had just been laying out on a shelf, rearranged some of the pictures in my bedroom and hung a couple of others, and finally swept the floor in the activity room.

Now I need to go take the hummingbird feeders down, clean them, and refill. 


  1. I like those totems a lot. That's a great name for them, too.

  2. You are so incredibly creative in so many ways. I love all the things you make and how you see the world through art.

    1. thank you Robin. the first ones were feather keepers with a bit of styrofoam behind the face that you could stick the feather quills into.

  3. I especially like the green-faced totem. Those are pretty cool, lady.
    I know it felt good to do a little reorganization. Good for you!

    1. I'm not surprised you like that one best. I think of her as Demeter, goddess of the earth's bounty.

  4. My favorite of your totems is the first one: with the snowflakes. When they're separate and not part of a totem, they look like little moons. Those old frames with the curved glass are a real treasure. I have a photo of my mother at six months in a large oval frame with that kind of glass -- such a treasure. I'll tell you what else is a treasure -- the rain that's coming down right now. It's really dumping, and there's plenty of lightning and thunder. It looks like some might come your way -- I hope so.

    1. The (good) White Witch who guards the earth while she sleeps.

      I didn't think we were going to get any rain. when you commented it was blue sky puffy clouds so I headed to El Campo for yoga class. got out of yoga, blue sky puffy clouds but when I got on the highway in the distance it was dark and stormy. didn't start raining on me until I got almost to my exit. checked the rain guage this morning. just under ½". would have liked more but I'll take it.

  5. You must hang onto those totems. I wonder if you'll restore them.

    1. no, that would be akin to remaking them. the little copper wires are very delicate and I'd basically have to take it apart. too many fiddly pieces.

  6. I never knew that hummingbirds might depend on humans setting up feeders. Their behaviour always seemed so efficent and purposeful: "Get this! My wings are operating at a million Herz; match that you slow dumbo." Self-reliant, I'd say. Perhaps a feeder set up as a Rubik's Cube sort of puzzle to exercise their febrile minds as well as their wings.

    1. well, they certainly don't depend on humans but when they are migrating and there's no flowers blooming, the feeders give them the energy to continue on. just as the other birds don't depend on humans when we set out bird feeders. just another way to help nurture the earth and draw them to our yards to admire.

  7. You are nothing if not creative, Ellen, both with your art and your words. Maybe you can turn to voodoo dolls. I can offer a few suggestions….Trump, Gaetz, Jordan, Meadows, Taylor-Green, Boebert………..there are many more but I know you can fill in the gaps. A joint one for Clarence Thomas and his wife would be great. We’d all wield extra long pins and stick them in with vigour.

  8. Those totems are cool! We still love the little moon face you gave us. Makes me smile when I dust it (which, as you know, is infrequently).

    1. thanks. they were fun to make. and your dusting schedule is probably close to mine.

  9. Oh good, I can comment. I am having trouble commenting on blogs! Anyway, lucky you to have so many treasures. I have a craft closet...fairly good sized and really must go forth and rectify.

    1. I was probably foolish to take out a large closet when we remodeled the back bedroom after the flood (there was another small closet in the room). it was a big room with only one small window and it felt claustrophobic and unwelcoming. now the end wall where the closet was is a wall of etched glass and I love it but where to put all my stuff!

  10. Those totems are terrific, Ellen. I like them all!

  11. I'm sad that the old photos were lost.

  12. Beautiful frames and interesting artifacts. Yes, they will likely find a second life as part of your new art one day. I hope you'll share it with us.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.