Monday, December 5, 2022

progress on two fronts and republican gaslighting

The most recent little cold front only lasted about two days before the wind from the south blew it away. Those south winds also brought sea fog with it so the last few days have been warm, humid, and very wet from condensation. Saturday we watched the last episode of season one of The Peripheral which is really good but you have to pay attention and then another episode of Cabinet of Curiosity, a series of little tales, kind of Twilight Zone-ish.

Sunday things had dried up more or less so I spent another hour or so working on the old raised beds. I didn't cut any more vines away instead worked on spreading out the rest of the mound of dirt left from the small 4' x 8' metal raised bed and cutting out all the roots until I could remove the last collapsed long side under which about a dozen toads had taken shelter. When I got around to the back side of the mound of dirt I discovered this...

some critter had dug a den down into that mound of dirt. I figure what ever was living there left when I started clearing out that spot because nothing emerged as I hacked away at it with the hoe eventually filling the hole with dirt and tamping it down. My neighbor says it was probably an armadillo hole.

These are all the roots I dug out as I was spreading the dirt out with the hoe because I keep forgetting to take the heavy rake with me when I go over there.

Then I started spreading the dirt out from the little white raised bed on the left that I dismantled when I first began this project. Didn't make much progress there. The last thing I did was remove one long side of the big metal raised bed (4' x 16') which is still more or less intact except for all the vines and crap which I guess is what's holding it all together.



It occurred to me that I haven't shown my toenail progress since July. You might remember that I had the entire toenail removed back in April because the ingrown toenail had gotten so severe that it hurt most of the time. The last update showed the new nail finally starting to grow above the quick and the nail has slowly been growing covering the nail bed ever since. It's about halfway I think judging by my other big toenail.


I'm sure you've all heard by now Trump's latest proclamation about the unprecedented 'massive fraud' in the 2020 election and that he should either be instated as president or a new election should be held. Then he went on to say “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”, (termination of everything in the constitution basically terminates the constitution). He has absolutely no idea what is in the Constitution. Response from Republicans (with the exception of a few that are not returning)...crickets. Well, they wouldn't condemn him for hanging out with neo-nazis and anti-semites and they already participated in an attempt to overthrow the election so I guess defending the Constitution is really too far beyond them. This morning it was all over Twitter. A few hours later, nada. Certainly looks like it's been scrubbed from the platform. This after republicans in Congress spent yesterday day shouting foul because they say Biden in 2020 used his position as president to 'pressure' Twitter to take down dick pics of his son Hunter, which they did, pictures posted by a third party without permission and the photos violated Twitter's TOS. But leave it to my scumbag senator Ted Cruz who dug around and found the picture yesterday and posted it again.

They want you to believe Biden was president in 2020. He wasn't, he was a private citizen campaigning for president. Trump was president in 2020 and the records show that Trump did indeed pressure Twitter to take down tweets he didn't president. You won't hear about this from Republicans though.

And from the Tell Me You're Guilty Without Telling Me You're Guilty department: Trump is refusing to give a DNA sample in his rape trial.


  1. I always love seeing all the work you do there. You have so much energy. It's great!
    I am utterly blown away by Trump's crazy talk about the Constitution, and that the Republicans in congress hardly say a word. I can't even imagine what's going to come next, but this guy is the master of a shit show.

    1. I guess my energy comes from a high metabolism, maybe. I don't know. But I have never say easy for long. Have to be up moving around doing something.

      It boggles my mind that the republicans are still afraid of that man. They should all just band together and tell him to go away. However, I prefer the GOP in disarray than cohesive.

  2. "work is love made visible" - some one once said- You are just full of love!
    The orange wad- I can't even- GOP- Nah, got better things to think about- like- anything other.

    1. That's a nice thought. It does show caring. I could not care about that wild jumble growing ever larger, an island habitat, but leaving things to grow unrestrained around here is to have your open space shrinking.

      I'd do fine without ever knowing what thatguy says and does but I would hate to get blindsided, not that knowing would change anything.

  3. I continue to be impressed at your gardening exploits, so much heavy lifting. An armadillo?? I was thinking, northern style, groundhogs.

    1. Yoga and yard work keeps me strong. Plus I don't like just sitting around. About 30 minutes is all I can stand before wanting to get up and do something.

  4. I am truly impressed at what skinny little wiry and agile you has accomplished over in your land of gardens. Will you grass them over come spring, or go for raised beds again. I think you wrote it will be the latter.

    1. Can't do raised beds again there because of all those roots, no way I can get them all out and they will just take over again unless I am vigilant. So just going to move over it but not going to sod it. I think the grass will eventually move into that space.

  5. If we lived close to each other, we could landscape entire cities!! Tomorrow is the run-off between Warnof and Walker and I will be so relieved to not hear the constant campaigning. While Warnoff has stuck to talking about the issues, Walker has yet to say anything that would indicate that he has a clue about what he will be expected to do should he win the seat. He would be a puppet, not sure who woud be holding the strings. My in-laws are staunchly republican and I should just keep my mouth shut, but I asked her how she justifies blindly voting for a man who has openly admitted that he has mental issues and threatened to kill many people just to maintain party lines. She looked a little dumb-struck and then admitted that I had a point. Won't change her vote, but at least she has some food for thought. The only issue Walker has voiced an opinion on is abortion and that he thinks it should be a nation wide ban with no restrictions. Well, only those women impregnated by half-brained republicans should be eligible for abortion, I suppose. I am in awe at the stupitiy I see to be surrounded by! As for Trump and his antics, it would appear that he is getting desperate.

    1. Walker clearly has some brain damage from his football career. How can anyone listen to one of his speeches and come away thinking that this is the man I want representing me in Congress. I read one tweet by a republican woman politician who said it perfectly, and I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact words she used, "I don't care if he's a puppy eating satanist, I just want the power" (of a majority).

  6. I was surprised to see your mention of sea fog. It doesn't surprise me that you've benefit (or suffer from) the increasing humidity, but I guess I never thought of the fog reaching that far inland. In any event, it's helping to keep things moist, and that's all to the good. I'd bet on armadillo for your critter, too. My most recent critter sighting was a tiny frog, about an inch long or so, sitting in the middle of my kitchen floor this morning. I have no idea. I was going to catch it and take it outdoors, but the darned thing disappeared while my back was turned. I guess it will show up eventually, dead or alive.

    1. The sea fog was only one day, the first day the warm air came in. It was a mostly clear sky but the air was hazy. Couldn't figure out why until I heard the weather guy. It's been foggy and overcast every morning but clears up later. Those first few days before the solid stuff equalized with the air temp, everything was wet, the concrete garage floor dangerously slippery.

      I have at least one anole in the house from bringing in the plants. Last spring I discovered three little frogs when I took everything back out.

  7. The raised bed renovation is looking good. Hopefully there wasn't still a critter in that hole! (I'm sure it would have left after you began working there.) I think even most Republicans are embarrassed by Trump, with the possible exception of your lunatic senator. I don't get the Republican obsession with Hunter Biden. He's a recovering addict with no official power or public office whatsoever.

    1. They have a death grip on Hunter because it the only thing they can find to hammer the Democrats with, and it's a big nothing burger, to distract from the walking talking criminal they support. Plus, they don't have Hilary anymore.

  8. My word you have been working hard! As for Trump, every time he opens his mouth he gets more pathetic and more ridiculous. Great dinner companions he has too. The last time I saw Ted Cruz on TV he looked like he was about to start foaming at the mouth. And people voted for him? I am not sure who is creepier, Cruz or Trump, but they both make an excellent claim to the title.

  9. Yes. Probably an armadillo. They are great burrowers. When I was weeding the other day I found a small tunnel leading from outside the fence in our garden. I have no idea what made THAT. It wasn't very big in diameter. Perhaps it was a small portal.
    The fact that the GOP has remained relatively silent about Trump's declaration is so incredibly frightening. He is a mad man. And those same fucking Republicans are always going on about the Constitution and defending it and blah, blah, blah. Until...
    Well. Best we dig in the dirt. The real dirt.

    1. I don't understand why the moderates don't band together and stand up against him. He's proven to be a loser, most if not all the people he promoted last in the mid-terms and yet they are still afraid to voice opposition. And his lunatic fringe...Boebert, Marge Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, ronna, and Marsha Blackburn. WTF.

  10. You certainly are determined to get your garden work done. Good for you! You are making great progress, Ellen. I sure wish we could all just ignore the former president. I don't want to hear what he has to say and I hope he goes away soon.

    1. It's not really garden work, just clearing out an unruly mess so we can start mowing over that area again.

      I wish we could ignore him too but as long as the GOP kowtows to him I'd rather know than not.

  11. Every time I hear about the show Cabinet of Curiosity I think about the first Pendergast book I read & boy has THAT been a long strange ride!!

  12. The finance guy on Fox is taking the orange man baby to task over what he said. Maybe Fox will change its tenor. Although Tucker and Hannity are still bat shit crazy.

    1. Well, Murdoch has told Trump he's through with him. Trump still has his lunatic fringe kissing his butt though.

  13. Trump is guilty of so many crimes that we all saw him commit on camera, and many more that we know at our core he is also guilty of, and yet the man is still walking around. Few things boggle my mind quite like it. You did a lot of work on your yard, and I'm sure you must have felt very exhausted and satisfied afterward. The toenail is coming along nicely!

  14. I agree with 37Paddington... that toenail looks pretty good. (Speaking from experience here!) I would have had a fit if I'd seen that huge hole ... OMG! Something THAT size could hurt one! I love digging in the dirt -- though my body says no more, no how, no way. So, I play dirt voyeur and admire your handiwork from afar. :) Stay safe and don't overdo it!

  15. Mind boggling. I did not realize that people could hate so much they would side with the devil to win.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.