Wednesday, January 16, 2019

lethargy redux

As it turns out, I did not do any artwork on Monday, nor yesterday cold and overcast as it has been though I did spread out my color samples, 

bought a new battery for the scale, and put a fresh layer of kiln wash on the kiln shelf. Then I finished the book I was reading. Today is a little warmer but overcast and drippy, dreary and the modeling glass, while not exactly messy, does require frequent cleaning of the hands which I have to do outside as I'm not sure washing the residue down the sink is a good idea. Also yoga tonight (apparently my favorite excuse to sit around on my ass all day doing nothing), and I have to go in early to retrieve my sewing machine which is ready, so who knows what I'll get accomplished today. If anything. It's warming and the rest of the week is supposed to be very nice just before the temperature will plunge on Saturday to below freezing with nearly two weeks of winter following. I'll have to cover the ponytail palm again and maybe a few other things.

So now here it is 1 PM and so far all I've managed to accomplish besides cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast is taking a shower and cutting new insoles for my moccasins.

Some pictures though...

the maple tree is blooming, always the first tree to come out but even so, early

the wheelbarrow full of clover, weeds, and field grass

the crop duster was out yesterday though I'm not sure what he was spraying exactly since all the fields around here are currently fallow but he sure looked like he was having fun buzzing low over the houses as he banked his turns

a flock of white wing doves has been hanging out in the yard and they congregated for whatever reason on the roof this morning, there were more but my movement startled all but the most stalwart away

Well, I've managed to waste fritter away another hour and now it's time for lunch.


  1. I have been frittering my time away today too and, being me, feeling extremely guilty about it. I think I feel stagnant. And what to do about that? A routine is fine but I am deeply in a rut, I fear. So I pull weeds and I do laundry and other little chores that are basically meaningless and ponder my existence.
    This can't be healthy. And yet I do not seem to have the energy to do anything about it.

    1. yes, guilt is fluttering around the edges here. I don't feel stagnant so much as unmotivated. I don't do well in cold damp weather. I just want to burrow under a blanket and read or nap. I guess I'll have to get the other space heater from over at the shop for my workroom. perhaps that would help.

  2. I've been sitting around at work playing on the computer all day. I have a Big Scary (bookkeeping) Task to do & I'm procrastinating. I will do it TOMORROW for sure. I worry that I won't know how to do it, but once I get started it will be fine. FINE. (As Reya would say, that's a story I tell in the BugVerse - ha!).

  3. White wing doves--sounds like a Stevie Nicks' song, although I had no idea it was the name of an actual kind of dove. Gray and drizzly is what western Oregon gets for November through May.

  4. Something will happen, get done, come to pass. Or not. That's just how it is. Did you find another book to read?

    1. I did, a library book Marc had finished a few days previous.

  5. It's important to have days like this. I'm convinced a lot of creative connections and plans get made in the background of our lack of doing. Besides, finishing a book is an active and engaged endeavor.

  6. Maybe that crop duster was just out having fun -- "practicing"?

  7. A tree in flower! Oh enjoy. Miserable me had to walk through wind and sleet today.

  8. Love the doves visiting. They are so beautiful. I think you are keeping busy enough. My days sound somewhat like yours.

  9. Sometimes frittering time is an activity all on its own. I am a master fritterer, myself. I am blaming all inactivity on the fact that we've had three hours of sunlight since October.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.