Friday, August 18, 2017

random glimpses of life around here

If I would check the okra every day, I'd be eating more of it than I toss in the compost pile. That long one in the picture is about 8". 

I wrote that a while back and since have got in the habit of picking every day. Usually I get about 6 a day, sometimes more, some days 10 or so.

the tallest plant is now taller than I am

I know where the bees that come to my yard go with their collected nectar and pollen. The side of my absent neighbor's house now supports a hive. I wonder how big it is inside the wall, how much honey. I'd call the beekeeper I buy my honey from for him to collect them but I like having the bees in my yard.

I'm picking up a gallon or more of green pecans a day. Big ones. I've picked up three 5 gallon size buckets' worth already. If this keeps up, between the squirrels and the no rain and the heat stress, we won't get any pecans this year. 

"You say that every year", Marc says. And he's right I do and every year I tell him that "yes, but this year is different". 

This would have been twins!

We did finally get a break in the heat and three good rains, too late for the pecans, but it did spur some growth for other things,

the next day they looked like this,

and these bloomed,

and these continue to bloom,

but now we are back to stifling heat with the south wind coming across the field behind us feeling like heat coming out of an oven, though this one, like the okra, likes the heat.

Buddha is overwhelmed.

And one more ray of hope...Bannon is gone!


  1. It sure looks good in your garden for little rain. Never saw the flower before Buddha. I keep holding my breath that the dummy in chief will resign.

    1. Tahitian bridal veil, Gibasis geniculata. invasive and greedy

  2. I have not picked okra for two days. I'm afraid to go out there...

  3. I do no like okra. But, once I didn't like fried green tomatoes.

  4. My dad has given us some okra. We like it in stews, so Mike cut it up & put it in the freezer. Future yum!

    I love your yard.

  5. I love fried okra, but it has to be done just right. Not easy to get that. Your flowers are beautiful.
    And, yes, one more is out. I hope he keeps stirring the pot from the outside. We wouldn't want to get bored. The more isolated dummy is, the better! So fun to read how BO has him beat at twitter!

    1. I found a recipe for roasted okra which is very much like fried but better!

  6. Buddha looks lost in the wilderness. Yes, Bannon is gone, but I doubt it will make a difference since Trump endorses his radical philosophy.

  7. Love the orange flowers, whatever they are. And those are some dramatic mushrooms!

    I'm happy to see Bannon out of there, but I suspect he and his minions will still wield a lot of influence.

  8. Most of my flowers are exhausted and at the end of their blooms. The yard is tired. Looking forward to some of the new chrysanthemums this year.

  9. Lovely blooms, I like the orange one.I have had the okra dilemma myself. There are a few veggies one must watch real close.

  10. Unlike your area, we got lots of rain. Good for the flowers and some veggies, but bad for tomatoes.

    I love your Buddha amongst the flowers.

    1. Buddha does look peaceful there among the white flowers. :)

  11. Your garden looks refreshed and beautiful.
    Yes, Bannon is out but Miller and Gorka need to go as well. Our paper ran an article from Bloomberg News that warns they may have more influence outside the Whitehouse being totally unrestrained. Never a moments peace!

    1. true. I've read conflicting stories...he was fired, he quit was only planning to work for him for one year, he is going to war with Trump, he is going to war for Trump. I think he has his own agenda and found Trump to be less than useful at this time.

    2. Like so many others in this administration (seems silly to give it enough credit to be called that), I think his first agenda is his own interests. He may trash Trump as quickly as The Orange One did his own hangers-on.

  12. Pecan trees may fail but not good and decent people. These good folk said, "We got this." :)

    We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear not. :)

  13. That's some beautiful okra you have. Did you hear the report of the bomb squad in Austin having to deal with okra? Someone reported a suspicous package, and when they checked, it was pickled okra. I don't know whether they blew it up.

    1. I did not hear that but it doesn't surprise me.

  14. Your garden is so lovely! I like the name OKRA but have only had icky Okra- not a fan. Bannon is NOT gone...He is working the propaganda machine full blast with Breitbart and Sinclair. He is more dangerous now, unleashed! Looks like he has greyscale so that may take him out!

    1. my new favorite way to cook okra is by roasting. true about Bannon but I think I'd rather have him outside the WH than inside it. and who knows, he might turn on Trump.


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