Sunday, October 25, 2015

fall flowers

Now that fall is here some things have started blooming. The confederate rose and the morning glory bush are right next to each other.

Morning glory bush blossoms. I love these, they are such a delicate color.

The confederate rose is a volunteer from the two that became diseased and I had to cut down. Those opened light pink and turned darker as the day progressed. This one, the blooms open white and turn dark pink by nightfall.

The gingers are blooming again as well but it's been so dry, no rain for weeks (which has been remedied in the last 24 hours), it's hard to keep these water loving plants hydrated.

The yellow trumpet flower that I have been chastising all summer for growing well but not blooming finally burst into bloom and made the evening air smell so lemony sweet. There were over a dozen flowers.

And the tall orange cosmos which I have planted in three locations this year

and the Philippine violet

and it's white sibling that is new for me this year

and the toad lilies by the back door.

So if you have been watching the weather, the remnant of Hurricane Patricia has given us a lovely moderate soaking in rain that has lasted almost 24 hours. No flooding here though certain parts of the city had flooded streets and intersections earlier.



  1. Have you seen "The Color Purple?" I think they use purple Cosmos in that film.
    Almost no rain here. Two inches below the monthly average.

  2. Nice to see so many flowers. Had one light frost but the days have been nice. Still have some flowers, but they aren't looking real well.

  3. It seems strange to see so many flowers in bloom, even in Texas. Just as it seemed strange to me to have my Dallas cousin begin turning his garden in February.

  4. beautiful blooms. i like the wildness of many of them. the confederate roses are pretty neat.

  5. Beautiful flowers. I didn't know there were plants that bloomed this late in the year.

  6. This has been a strange season for my plants. I have 10 small watermelon on vines! the tomato plants are full of blooms and loaded with green tomatoes. I am watching the weather closely so I can try to harvest at the last minute. My cosmos reseed themselves and pop up in the oddest places!

  7. While I do not have many of your tropical flowers, my toad lily is over doing itself this year. I will be dividing it and sharing in the spring.

  8. I just passed a corner that was adorned with a huge angel trumpet plant last Friday. It was too cloudy, hazy and gray for a decent photo, so I decided to go back after the rain passed. We'll see what our 30 mph winds have done to it.

    I've never seen or heard of a toad lily. It's so unusual, and attractive. The Confederate rose is new to me, too. Oh, it would be fun to have a yard!

  9. I love those toad lilies. Plus, what a great name.

    It's amazing how dramatically that rose's color changes! And thanks for the photo of your trumpet flowers. I think we may have a second trumpet flower plant that we got without knowing it! (We found it in a pot on the street, with someone's trash.)

  10. Wow.. I can't believe the depth of colour that developed in the rose through the course of the day. That's amazing. Lovely photos, one and all. I'm glad the storm didn't bring you too much trouble.

  11. Your toad lilies are a dream!

    So glad your area wasn't flooded... Hoping a quick recovering for the areas that did.

  12. I am envious of that range of beautiful colors this time of year. We had red, orange, and gold on the trees for a bit, but the frost and rain have now taken most of those. I will get by admiring your bounty ~


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