Tuesday, May 12, 2015

incremental progress

the peach log Wesley didn't take

I got my first look at the milled and sanded peach wood for the top of the peach box last Saturday. Wesley was waiting for me in the front of the store when I came around from the other side after opening up. He had two slices that he got from one of the two logs I gave him. He cut thick slices out of both logs and because they were still 'wet' with sap, he put them in front of the heater blower all winter. The ones from one log warped but the two from the other log didn't.

So now they are sanded down flat and smooth on both sides, about 3/8" thick and they are so pretty! I had no idea what the wood would look like, the color or the pattern of the grain, but I am very happy with it and while I had my camera with me, it didn't occur to me to take pictures.

They would be finished but Wesley lost the pattern I gave him for the size so I need to get him another one. I've done the cold work on the box and I'm diddling about whether or not I want to grind the peach inlay down some more since it fits fine now. I have to decide if grinding more off the bottom will actually make it better or just satisfy my tendency to focus on small details, in other words, things only I would notice.

And I still need to decide if I want to make a new sculpture of the peach blossoms for the top. I still haven't done the cold work on the one I have already done because, essentially, I'm not really satisfied with it. The leaves didn't cast completely and the color is too consistent and too dark for my liking. That's also one of those decisions about quality vs being anal.

At this rate it's going to be three years before I get this one finished.


  1. The peach wood sounds as if it will be glorious and love your increments

  2. I think you have to be pretty anal to do the sort of art you do. You may not think it matters in the end but I think it does. And you must too or you wouldn't do it.
    Which all adds up to a level of art and craft which is incredibly fine.

  3. i was thinking the same thing - that i believe you've been working on the peach box since shortly after i started following your blog. :)

  4. I've never seen peach wood, but it sounds perfect for a peach box. This is going to be a gorgeous thing.

  5. I agree with Mary - if you don't have a deadline, why not indulge your attention to detail? Although I think it looks fabulous already :)

  6. God is in the details, I've heard it said. I know I've spent vast amounts of time working on these no one else would notice. Your soul is lurking in those details.

  7. I understand your perfectionist tendencies -- not at all unusual where one's art is concerned. But from my limited perspective, I think it all looks terrific! I can't wait to see what the wood looks like.

  8. sounds like a "peachy" kind of project,,,(a little humer this morning,,mighty little) lol,, but the peach is beautiful...I lovvveee peaches. When we lived in SC had to drive 1-2 miles through a peach orchard on the way to the office...but I think I like yours just as good...

  9. I think you've been doing what you do long enough to know the difference between producing quality and keeping yourself back due to too much perfectionism. You'll know when the peach is ready...


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.