Friday, February 7, 2014

is that the wind or me moaning?

It is cold, wet, and drippy outside. The birds are emptying the tea cup and the bird feeder daily. When the tea cup gets empty, they come perch on it and give me the stink eye.

We've already had 2 1/2 months of winter. That in itself is not unusual. We generally have 2 1/2 months of winter. The problem is not that we have had 2 1/2 months of winter. The problem is that it started in mid-November this season instead of January. It should be over now! Over!!!

me, in the house, tired of being cold, in the house

We usually have enough warm days in winter and it is short enough that it really doesn't impede the progress of our work much. Not this winter. Stencils are harder to cut as the plastic material gets stiffer when it is cold. And shivering in the sandblast booth is not the most effective way to get the work done.

Next week we start fabrication on two jobs. It's supposed to be warmer but every time I see a weather forecast, it's a little less warm.

In the meantime, I still have art work to complete.


  1. i'm with you on the scowl. this has been a colder-than-typical winter for us. usually we hit teens (or even single digits) then pop back up above freezing. this seems to hold a while.

    trade you your birds for 150+ whistling ducks. :)

  2. It's obvious you're just not wearing enough clothes! I start with my cotton and wool undershirt, add turtleneck, add sweatshirt, add hooded and lined wool sweater. Only my hands, feet and nose are cold. You may need just a little less south of the Red River.

  3. Yes, it is too cold EVERYWHERE...even in the more temperate climes.

  4. Well I do believe this is the last storm and next week sunshine and warmth will prevail. Thus sayeth the weather goddess.

  5. Get those fleeces round your shoulders!
    You look ‘proper miserable’. Wonder what I would look like if I took a selfie. I’d probably frighten everyone away.

    At least you have work. I have books, which isn’t bad.

    But the rain, the blasted rain. There’s no chance of it drying up for at least another two weeks.

    Let’s commiserate and cheer each other up.

  6. There should be a law against weather which makes ones art/livelihood too difficult to do.

  7. Cuddle Duds. They are the best.

  8. Winter is taking things out of control this year. I hope Spring gets here to show him a lesson. Who knows, the way things have been lately, we might end up with 5 months of winter, 2 days of spring and a the rest in summer hell. *sigh*

  9. and I agree with the bah humbug on the winter long dance. Ick, blech and pooey.

  10. Had 2 more inches of snow today and still getting more. It doesn't end here until Apil or May.

  11. Sadly, at least in our part of the world, we have plenty more cold to contend with before it begins to warm up. :(

  12. Welcome to Canada, eh? Oh wait.. no.. I mean.. weather weenie! ;)

  13. I know how you feel. I have snow banks surrounding me and my internet is sporadic and my damn shoulder hurts. Still waiting on my OBama care ......

  14. Don't so glum, winter will be gone, I promise you, lol.

  15. The pic of you is awesome. Will you turn up the heat already??

  16. I love that picture - it embodies how *I* feel about winter about now :)


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.