Monday, March 29, 2010


I am in awe of nature. Or more precisely, I am in awe of plants. All of these wonderful blooming creatures were frozen to the ground last January. And while my definitely tropical hibiscus and plumerias show no signs of returning, these six semi-tropicals are shooting up from the roots.

angel trumpet

confederate rose

hummingbird bush

night blooming jasmine


yellow bells


  1. Lovely! We had a cold drizzly day, but expect to get up into the 70s later this week. I can't wait!

  2. My favorite moment in the film Jurassic Park is when Jeff Goldblum says, "Life will find a way."

    When I was in Hawaii we took a helicoptor ride over the volcano. The pilot pointed out fresh lava fields, then grassy areas that had been fresh lava fields 5 years ago, and finally dense jungles that had been fresh lava fields twenty five years ago. All I could say was wow.

    The green world is irrepressible. L'chaim.

  3. It's so much fun to see things growing and returning to life after such a long winter.

  4. Nature teaches us a lesson with the return of every leaf, doesn't she? Such beautiful statements of life! I love spring I can't wait to go wild and plant something!

  5. Mother Nature always finds a way, somehow, to keep on keeping on.

  6. Hi Ellen

    don't give up on the plumeria and hibiscus just yet. I hacked the hibiscus here right off and it took a long time to consider re shooting, but it did...maybe a little more warmth is required.

    Happy days

  7. Oh that is great news!!! Your garden will be lush again!!

  8. I truly enjoyed those photos. Well said.

  9. I'm back to tell you that I left you a little something at my blog, please go claim it!

  10. Watching young plants grow is something that I don't really make time for but my little daughter has planted some recently and checking them out with her is a lovely experience.

  11. So, spring is here for you. For us the leaves are turning red, yellow and brown. You call it fall, we call it autumn. I love the seasons.

  12. Yay for sunshine... I am in awe of people who can remember the names of all these plants and flowers!!

  13. Jasmine! My favorite scent in all the world. Who knew it grew right out of the ground? I thought it appeared already bottled. ;-)

    Beautiful, cheerful pictures, Ellen. I'm so glad it is spring!

  14. I'm impressed that you know the names of all of them. I've got to start thinking about planting soon. We are in a new house and I'm not sure what's hidding under the ground.

  15. I envy you these little shoots. We just had another snow storm move in and turn everything white. I know those shoots are under there! They always amaze me, each year, coming up from being under hundreds of pounds of snow to live in the air once again. Amazing.

  16. Well, I am in awe of your knowledge of this wonderful spring foliage!

  17. Hello Ms. Ellen, I just wanted to lt you know that I left an award on my bloggie for you. You have been very kind to me and I thought I'd thank you. If you don't want to participate, I am cool with that too. Thanks, Linda

  18. I, too, am in awe of nature. Every year, when the plant that my husband chopped off with the weed wacker and then was covered with snow and ice, starts growing again, it's like a miracle.

  19. I love the strength and brilliance of new life.

  20. all these peeks of green are so hopeful :)


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