Tuesday, February 11, 2025

wedding pics, mini bouquets, bird skull report and other miscellania

Also the weekend Vickie was here we were going through some of the old photo albums Pam had that were still here for her to look through to see if she wanted any of the pictures. Everyone else had gone through them previously except for me and Vickie and much to my surprise there were a couple of pictures of me in my wedding dress from the first time I got married. There was also a picture of my first husband, a profile view, who my daughter had never seen a picture of. Is that him she asked me. I had a small photo album of pictures from my first wedding which I had kept because it had pictures of my friends from the year I lived in Chicago while going to the Chicago Art Institute and was living with my ex and who had all come down to Texas for our wedding. It disappeared at some point while my kids were growing up but not because I discarded it. 

Anyway, I’ve mentioned before that I made my dress. I had wanted shirred sleeves which have a line of gathers from the shoulder to the hem of the sleeve. I couldn’t find a pattern for that so I just sort of created my own. I also made the macrame choker and my ex made the pendant that hangs from it. I think the flowers were probably fake since this was the formal picture that was published in the paper so it was taken before the wedding. I don’t remember if the flowers were real at the wedding and I also had a wreath of flowers on my head instead of a veil. I don’t look happy because I wasn’t. I was only getting married to get out from under the thumb of my father, about the only way women could back then, and I already knew that I would divorce him one day since no fault divorce had recently been made legal. Marrying a guy I was already detaching from seemed infinitely better than remaining at home at the time. My divorce was final 3 and 1/2 years later but the last six months or so we were not living together. So here’s the picture.

And just to show the difference in my first fancy wedding and my second casual one five years later here’s my wedding picture from it, which I've posted before, the one that has lasted. We were already a little tipsy by the time his dad got around to taking pictures. That's beer in our champagne glasses.

Sunday, Audra, my grandson Mikey’s SO, came over with Paisleigh and Harrison while Mikey worked on a vehicle over at the shop so I didn’t get as much done as I planned, mostly just hauling Saturday’s debris over to the burn pile and then after they left, starting on the big pink rose bush and made it halfway through that. Paisleigh picked two little bouquets of henbit, oxalis, wild onion flowers, dandelions, and anemone and insisted on putting them in the ‘peacock’. She was happy with the little vases so I guess that’s what she meant.

The goldfinches arrived en masse this weekend. I had seen a few earlier in the week but now they are hogging the bird feeder. Last week I unearthed the white wing dove skull but what with all the cold weather the ants hadn’t made much progress. I couldn’t find it just digging around so I had to hose down the ant bed to find it. I let it lay on top of the ground as I was busy doing other stuff reminding myself to stick it back in another ant bed before I went in for the day and of course I forgot. The next morning I went out to look for it and could not find it, even hosing the area down again. Some creature got it during the night…a snake, possum, or raccoon; a snake or possum most likely. I’ve had that happen before so I was rightly pissed at myself. But then the next day I went out to look again and there it was in plain sight. It is now snugged in another fire ant mound.

I had a dermatologist appointment Monday morning about a half hour away, a place I’ve been going to since before covid. I got there on time and all five chairs in the tiny waiting room were filled. When I was checking in at the desk I asked how long the wait was. The conversation went like this:

me: how long is the wait?

her: can’t say.

me: an hour?

her: can’t say.

me: if it’s over an hour I’d rather reschedule.

her: your choice but it will be the same.

me: then why do you overbook?

her: we don’t overbook.

me: if it’s over an hour wait, you’re overbooking.

her: that’s your opinion.

me: I’ve been here many times and never had to wait more than about 15 minutes.

her: the person you see is on maternity leave and we have someone else.

I scheduled another appointment for next week but I’m going to call back in a few days and find out when their earliest appointment is and reschedule for that. I don’t care if I have to wait a month. I'll wait over an hour or longer for certain doctors, ones who perform surgeries that may have unavoidable delays for various reasons or emergencies, but I’m not waiting over an hour for a dermatology appointment especially when there is no place to sit. And really, why the fuck does having a fill-in dermatologist cause there to be a big back up??

After I got back I finished pruning the big pink rose bush in the back so now all that’s left in my yard is the rest of the wild petunias and the rock rose, both of which will be quick, and the banana trees which will be a major chore. And then, oh goodie, I get to start on Pam’s/shop yard…her roses, the morning glory bush, the pink trumpet flower, the rangoon creeper, the yellow bells, the hummingbird bush, the confederate rose, the white orchid tree/bush, the purple orchid tree/bush which has never bloomed because it freezes to the fucking ground every winter, and the banana trees.

But all that will have to wait as it’s raining today so maybe I’ll start on the zucchini on my painting which I’ve been avoiding because, yard work, but also because it sort of intimidates me. Getting started, putting that first stroke or wash down, is always the hardest part.



  1. Codex: Like you said if you screw up you can cut it off. Use the coloryou used in the flower so yo have a good composition. Lay down a light yellow wash leaving highlights, then add green washes going darker as you go along. Add detail last. Zucchinis have little spots which is the detail. Decide whether you want it floating in space or whether you add shadow underneath it. Not as difficult as a flower. Look at botanical art to see what you might like as a style. Lots of Zucchini images.

    1. Thanks for the direction, it helps. I did this combined piece in colored pencil which came out pretty good I think but then I have way more control with the colored pencil.

      One of these days I'd like to see some of your work.

    2. Codex: You can achieve the same control with watercolor but have to be willing to put in 50 hours of layering.

      I'd like to show you, but waiting to see what digital laws are doing with copyright.

  2. Your yard represents a lot of work, and then there is Pam's as well. It's good that you're in an area that allows burn piles. Anything we generate has to go out with trash, packaged so that the bin guys don't get stabbed by cactus, palm tree fronds, and etc. I think we may take out some more Texas Sage plants, they're really old and ugly.

    1. It's really only a lot of work right after winter cleaning up after the hard freezes and we've been getting them regularly the last five years or so. I have mostly native perennials and semi tropicals. The semi-tropicals used to do really well. Not so much anymore.

  3. When doctor's waiting area is overly crowded and the wait is over an hour you can be sure that the doctor is stressed and not at their best. You did the right thing I reckon.
    Such a lovely girl escaping her father's house!

    1. They need a new receptionist. She should have been able to give some idea of the wait. And if they are going to book that many people they need more chairs though I don't know where they would put them.

  4. What happened to the first wedding dress? Did you ever wear it and if yes, what was the occasion? Anyway, great job, looks gorgeous, like a young pre-raphaelite.

    1. I never wore it again and it stayed at my parent's house. I guess I had spilled beer on it and it was never cleaned. My mother wore it to a Halloween party at my sister's house one year and it had a big stain on the skirt part which was fine as her costume was a pregnant bride with a pillow strapped around her waist under the dress. I never saw it again. Have no idea what happened to it. Probably thrown away.

  5. I salivate for all the beautiful blossoms you are going to have in the spring/summer. I agree completely about the dermatologist waiting room problem. Perhaps they could put some effort into having people only wait 15 minutes, as I've seen other practices do...a sign that says if you've not been seen in 15 minutes, let so and so know. Don't know what so and so then might do...but at least there are more than 5 chairs!

    1. It's very unusual for me to have to wait more than ten or fifteen minutes for my primary care doc and she spends as much time with me as I need so there is no reason for the dermatologist to be so backed up. It's all about scheduling. The wild flowers will bloom first.

  6. I don't know what it is about dermatologists. I can understand having to wait months for an appointment, which I do. But why, oh why, must they take you from the reception area after five or ten minutes, and then let you sit in the exam room for an hour? It makes no sense to me. It sure is raining here, too. I suspect we'll get an inch or more; as soon as it lets up a little, I'll head off for work, since I'm lucky enough to have a bit of inside work.

    1. It annoys me when they don't consider that your time is valuable too. I'm off to the grocery store now that the rain has let up a bit. Hopefully it won't be raining when I'm heading back to my car.

  7. You were a beautiful bride twice. You were a happy bride once.
    I sure do love those tiny flower arrangements. I was just thinking about making some myself. I, too, have peacocks to put them in.
    We're supposed to get rain tomorrow and hearing that you have it today is not surprising.

    1. All the little spring first flowers are popping up. I hope I get some violets this year since I didn't get nay last year. Raining again today and a cold front blowing in.

  8. I used to have some tiny vases. The potter called them one weed vases. I called them special grandchild vases. Used them for their little offerings.

    1. The ones I have are old ink bottles except for the taller one in the picture. It had a sample of honey in it.

  9. Codex: I'm curious. I've seen a lot of plants bloom out of season lately. Climate change or hybrids? How do plants or trees get triggered to winterize. Air or groundwater?

    1. Climate change is definitely playing havoc with some plants but I think it has more to do with survival than bloom cycles. Winterizing down here has more to do with the waning sunlight than cold. It also depends on if they are annuals or perennials. Annuals are greenhouse grown and forced into bloom. I have native perennials, root hardy shrubs, and bulbs or rhizomes although the cosmos are annuals but they reseed readily, I don't plant them every year. I don't find that they are blooming out of season. And again it's not just change in temperature but about the amount and intensity of sunlight.

  10. There is something profoundly sad about going from one form of hell to another, in full knowledge. Thank goodness you quickly extricated yourself from the second torture chamber.

    1. Women didn't have a lot of options then and my values had changed considerably having rejected the repression of religion. The divorce was easy once I committed to ending the relative stability of my life.

  11. Well, you looked lovely even if you weren't happy. Glad you found your better mate after that.
    No yard work here - we are expecting lots of snow. No school for the kids today - e-learning at home. My grandsons may come over later for sledding and shoveling!

    1. Thanks. It always surprises me when I see pictures of my young self. I was better looking than I thought at the time. Rain and cold front blowing in today.

  12. Such a pretty young woman! I kind of like that you knew what you were getting into - that way the ending was hopefully not as hard as it might have been otherwise. I have a couple of little bud vases - I'm going to start calling them peacocks!

    1. I didn't consider myself pretty at the time, not in the traditional sense. Ending the relationship was the easy part. Committing to ending the relative stability of my life was what took months of deliberation. Made harder by the fact that I didn't do it sooner and keep my house and job. I let him convince me to try one more time and move out onto that acre we had in East Texas, you know, the whole building the yurt thing where he had been living supposedly getting a job to support us so that when I left I had no job and no place to live. Had to move back in with my parents and no the irony does not escape me.

  13. I love seeing your wedding photos. You made a beautiful dress and were a beautiful bride, but you definitely do seem happier the second time around. When I look at photos of myself from those twenty something years, it seems like that girl was living another life, was another person entirely, and yet she led me here. What was art school like for you? That is my path not taken.

  14. Nothing prettier than a bouquet picked by a child for you.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.