Wednesday, February 19, 2025

tech problem and other miscellania

Monday when I went out to cover a few things in advance of the hard freeze tonight this white iris was blooming confused by the unseasonably warm weather earlier.

This morning my iPhone was functioning perfectly. I turned it off to go clean up the kitchen after breakfast and then thought of a text I wanted to send my neighbor first. Turned the phone back on and now I’m getting a SIM failure message. Instead of showing wi-fi at the top it shows SOS. So I did a search of possible causes and fixes. Restart didn’t work. Other possible causes is damaged SIM card or dirty SIM card tray which seem unlikely since it was working less than a minute previous. Software is updated. Check for carrier setting updates. So I went to setting and to cellular and there are no settings. Instead the screen says ‘set up cellular’. WTF? I can migrate the settings from Marc’s phone but that would also migrate his phone number. I don’t want his phone number. Right now I trying to get my long dead old phone to charge enough to see if I can migrate the settings from it to my new one. If that can’t work I guess I have to call Verizon and see if they dropped my phone number off our service. So right now my phone is a very expensive paperweight (didn't work, OS on old phone too old). Any advice on what happened and what to do will be appreciated.


I was looking over the text edit page I compose on. I’m in the habit of jotting down thoughts or paragraphs for posts and most don’t ever go any further. So here’s five random musings:

Aging is weird and weird things happen to your body...the wrinkles and creases on your face, the crepey skin, every scar you ever had that faded shows up again, weird scaly patches and dark spots from sun exposure, wrinkles on other parts of your body that look like those sandstone canyons in Utah, whiskers on women, weird pains that just zap you and then go away, and rogue eyebrow hairs that just keep growing.

The weather is beautiful; days sunny and warm with cool, clear, star-filled Milky Way nights. Up at dawn, quiet contemplation before breakfast and breaking camp. Finally we are loaded and I push off with a sigh as I feel the first tug of the current pulling us into the river, carrying us on through the quiet beauty of the canyons. We are in no hurry as we quietly dip our paddles in the river. We come upon a blue heron at the river's edge and it spreads its wings and flies downriver as we approach. Again and again we chase the heron downstream until it reaches the end of its territory and turns back flying over us upriver.

I was listening to a segment on NPR this evening about language and art, neanderthal vs modern human which still painted neanderthals as somehow less than equivalent to us, the modern human. Everything we think we know about the abilities and capabilities and cultural expressions of neanderthals is viewed through the lens of homo sapiens superiority. Here's another interpretation…modern humans, a more violent and warlike species emerges and commits genocide against a successful peaceful thriving culturally rich population even as they interbreed with them. We can't even coexist with the different variations of our own race much less affording another human race equality.

I've always been a science fiction fan and I've read many books about possible futures on earth and the ones that horrified me the most were the ones where we made the surface uninhabitable and humanity went underground in order to survive, never breathing fresh air, never seeing the stars or a planet teeming with life of all kinds, living like tunnel rats. Doesn't seem so impossible anymore. How sad is that?

I don’t consider myself an atheist, neither do I consider myself a theist, not in the traditional understanding of those words. What I think is that we are incapable of understanding or knowing the totality, however smart we think we are, anymore than a cell in our body can know the totality of where it exists. We are a cell in a body and that body is the universe. Treat every part of creation as if it were you because it is. 


And last, here’s something I read this morning on SM while having breakfast:

OP: Attention dog owners! Serious question! After letting your dog(s) out, do you wipe them every single time when they come in? I’ve got a serious ick about it and there has to be a sane solution.

Commenter: Their BUTT? are you being serious rn? I have never ever in 50 years wiped my dogs ass and I promise on sweet fat baby Jesus I won’t be in any future.

OP: I’m talking about paws..

I laughed so fucking hard I almost fell out of my chair. (And I have to admit that wiping the dog’s butt was what popped into my mind too.)


  1. Codex: Phone is fine. Could be anything from a loose card to your provider making updates or trying to get you to say hi. Turn phone off.take out card.never touch the contact part. Make sure hands are dry and clean (natural oils). Blow. Stick it back in, make sure it's snug. Wait. Turn back on.
    Try looking for a signal manually. See if other members have a signal. Sometimes they update and it's not latching on.

  2. Codex: Your random thoughts; interesting. We are superior intellectually to Neanderthals. Violence remained because that is the planet we evolved on. Brief interlude.

  3. Codex: This planet has tried to kill life and is food chain based. I am absolutely certain that there are planets that have evolved differently we just can't conceive of it. Telling those kind of sci fi stories would be boring for us. 'And they lived peacefully on their planet, that was chlorophyl based'. Living underground won't happen nor are we going to succeed killing all life. Keep in mind there have been 5 mass extinctions that had nothing to do with us and that dinosaurs succeeded for 100 million years in one form or another.

  4. Deep thoughts, Ellen. Hope you can get your phone working again. I would turn it on and off and recharge again. You know more than me from the sound of it.

  5. In recent years, I have started to grow one whisker on my chin, just a soft white one, too soft for regular tweezers and I actually got myself costly tweezers strong enough to pull it every so often. Vanity in old age.
    We live an hour's drive from the actual Neander valley, the Neander is a small meandering river in a steep ravine covered in thick forest. The museum, located where the bones of the original Neanderthal people were found, is an impressive modern building with an unusual design, you walk in a spiral upwards. I certainly left the place convinced that these people could talk and look after their families. I highly recommend Cat Bohannon's book "Eve" on human evolution and how anthropology and evolutionary science has ignored women, concentrating on and often fabricating/speculating on a male centered concept of how humans evolved as a warring, violent species.

    1. Codex: Anthropology is considered a speculative soft science. However, cave paintings showed that women hunted along with the males. Some museums are changing exhibits because they were likely lighter than thought.

  6. These are great thoughts, Ellen! I totally understand how that Iris feels. It's been a warmer winter than normal where I'm at and I was all ready to start planting early, but then we had a big snow storm last weekend. Hopefully it starts to warm back up soon because I am ready for summer and spending lots of time out in my backyard. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. humans , much like democracy, failed experiment...Especially the "man" evidenced every moment in every lifetime. Just is what we were born into on planet earth. Wiping the dog made me laugh heartily. We had a shih tsu - the gland problem -so actually it is not too far fetched to wipe the dogs bum.

  8. Lord, that's funny about dogs. I thought butts, too, and wondered what the hell?
    I have a big paper desk pad that I put my random notes on. It's time for a new sheet.

  9. I had the same thought about the dog. People I know in snow or mud country talk about drying or cleaning, and it's always clear they're talking about the paws. In the story, it was a little ambiguous. I just got in from throwing some freeze cloth over the schefflera I didn't bring in, and turning on a lightbulb. I was going to ignore the whole process, but we only got up to 34 today, and they're saying 26-28 for tonight, even along the bay. So, I braved the cold and went for it. I have seen huge fields of buttercups in the past week. They'll do fine; they're cold weather plants. And I've finally seen a few Texas dandelions. Once it warms a bit and the rain clears out, it will be time to start hunting anemones.

  10. Phones and other electronic gadgets are a mystery to me, and a source of frustration when they don’t work. Fortunately that doesn’t happen often.

  11. I read somewhere that growing older just means you wake up each day and something else hurts. You don't why, you don't how long it's going to last but whatever body part it is, it hurts.

  12. We get the SOS signal when there's no cell reception. Is Marc getting reception? I hate being without my phone. I am a stone-cold addict when it comes to that little gadget.
    I like your thoughts this morning, especially the ones on religion. What baffles me is that humans still so desperately want to believe in a deity who listens to our prayers and answers them. And do believe!
    I watched some program on Neanderthals and how very much more advanced we are finding they were than we thought. You're right- we do view everything through the superiority of the homo sapiens lens. And we carry them with us in our genes which astounds me and I love the idea!
    Aging? I'm "only" seventy and every day I find something new about it that I really do not like.

  13. I admit to being pagan, which is that everything is holy. It's also somewhat Buddhist. But I'm not vegetarian or vegan yet, which even my humanist friend is. Love reading the book "Eve," as mentioned before. No clue about phones. Mine won't update (perhaps I'm glad) due to lack of available memory, and I purchase extra iCloud memory already! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I even started a new blog, Inner Workings, since so many inspirational things are floating around, I wanted to share them!

  14. There's a known glitch with Verizon cell phone sim cards - mine had the same issue & I took it to the Verizon store so they could put an e-SIM card in it. It's worked fine since then.

    I love your random thoughts - especially about the Neanderthals.


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