Friday, January 24, 2025

dealing with winter and cats and a dream

I have no pretty pictures to post or illustrate so here’s one from Christmas Eve. This iris that was blooming way too early.

Wednesday had a cloudless blue sky in the 40s and the snow and ice melted rapidly. It was mostly gone before it got to below freezing again that night. The streets were already clear and dry so my drive to SHARE Thursday morning, the whole 7 or 8 minutes of it, was cold but uneventful.

My attempt to get the outdoor cats into the shed for our coldest night Tuesday evening was unsuccessful. While they aren’t feral exactly, they are outdoor cats and there’s no way I can make them do anything they won’t do willingly. Only Handsome Boy, Lovey, and Twin showed up. We think maybe someone else feeds Momcat as she doesn’t always show up and roams farther and Ghost had been a no show for several days. Monday I fed them around 3:30, set up the little radiator type heater and then came back about 5 to see if I could get them in the shed for the night. Only Twin showed up when I called them and while he will let me pet him now, he will not tolerate even the thought that I might try and pick him up and the heater wasn’t working anyway so. Tuesday, Robin put her little radiator type heater in there and it turned out it wasn’t the heater after all but the outdoor plug not working. So she plugged the extension cord into the house. I was most concerned about Tuesday night though so when I went to feed them about 4:30 I put their food dishes in the shed with the door open. Handsome Boy came right in and started eating. Lovey and Twin eyed it with suspicion but eventually went in. As soon as I started to close the door they bolted and would not go back in if I was standing anywhere near the door. Twin wouldn’t go back in at all. I moved their food dishes out and back under the porch. They have enclosed shelter under the house and their fur has gotten thick and fluffy. Turned out it didn’t get as cold as first predicted Tuesday night, only down to about 20 or so. I didn’t even try and coax them in Wednesday or Thursday night of below freezing temps. They’re predicting 33˚ for tonight but that’s the last cold night for the foreseeable future.

Haven’t worked on the painting since Tuesday morning. I don’t think it’s finished but sort of stumped on how much more I want to do on the petals because I don’t want to diminish the focus on the pistil and stigma which is the subject of the painting instead of the whole flower. I sort of see the petals as an unfocused background suggesting petals. I had added more yellow but I didn’t like it so then lifted a lot off with a wet brush and a paper towel. I might add some unfocused light orange in the farthest corners. We’ll see. Still thinking about it.

I meant to publish this Wednesday and no time on Thursday. SHARE in the morning, then grocery shopping which I didn’t do on my regular Tuesday, late lunch, walk the dog since she’s been housebound all week, feed the cats (they all showed up, even feral Ghost who was very hungry and so dirty like he’d been hunkered down in a hole or squeezed under something in the dirt; Lovey and Handsome Boy were not happy to see him, expressing their displeasure but he would not be deterred, just taking the abuse as long as he got to eat), and yoga in the evening, dinner, clean up and close up the house, watched an episode of Eureka. I slept until my pill alarm went off this morning at 8:30. I had been having the strangest dream. I dreamed I was waking up but I couldn’t open my eyes and when I could finally force them open the light was so bright I would just close them again but I finally got up trying to see through barely open eyes or keep them closed as I moved around. And I was talking to some people and when I would open my eyes I couldn’t really see anything just shadowy shapes. I wasn’t really concerned about it, I knew it was temporary, that it had happened before and thought I would just go take a nap. And then it started clearing up, flashes of normal vision and then the painful light again but eventually I could see normally, which had segued into a completely different dream when the alarm went off. I’ve had the dream about not being to open my eyes several times over the years. Not the same circumstances but the wanting to wake up but not being able to get my eyes open and when I did manage to open them a bit all I could see was the bright light and it was too much effort to try and keep them open.

We’re finally on a warming trend, starting tomorrow our highs will be in the 60s, lows in the 50s, so I’ll be uncovering everything outside this weekend but the indoor stuff will stay until there’s no chance of another freeze. It is still January after all.


  1. Codex: You could give it a Giorgia O'Keefe vibe. You can't blur it. Just give it less definition.

    Yes, they fluff up to trap air. Takes a lot of energy.

    I just watched an elk rescue and learned that they can tolerate -58F. Unbelievable. Thought I'd recommend a sci-fi movie Tomorrow War. 2 hours of scifiaction check your brain at the door, comedy and sweet at times. You might like it.

    1. It's raining today so the plan is to finish the flower part of the painting. We watched the Tomorrow War soon after it was first available on Netflix. Decently entertaining and I like Chris Pratt. We don't have access to Netflix anymore since they clamped down on sharing. We were using our daughter's account and she would have to OK access everytime we wanted to watch something. Just became too much trouble.

  2. We're on our third day of snow in the yard. It is melting but not as fast a you'd think it would. Went to the post office today and the roof there is still covered in snow. Just crazy! Personally, I'm ready for some warmer weather.
    Those dang cats. You can't make a cat do anything it doesn't want to do no matter how much better it would be for the critter.

    1. I uncovered everything yesterday and started cutting back stuff. Raining today so won't get anything done.

  3. My dear cat's stubbornness involved laps. No matter how I tried, she simply refused to get in my lap. Actually, she jumped up and endured petting for about five minutes, and then jumped down. That was it. I'm sure she was thinking "Been there, done that--and not impressed."

    We're almost completely melted now. It sneaked above 50F today, and I only saw bits of slush in places like shaded portions of boat docks and along a couple of bridges. Now, it's time to make a run through a car wash to get the salt off. I took the plants back outside and gave them a good watering, and tomorrow I'll get the seed swept up before Sunday's rains come. I want to go roaming, but tomorrow is going to be near 60F, and I need to spend some hours working. If I can sneak a couple hours locally, that will have to do.

    1. My cat before this one was not a lap kitty. In fact her idea of affection was being in the same room as me. At best she would lay on the foot part of the recliner when I was in it. I started cutting back some of the dead stuff yesterday but raining today.

  4. I'm glad things are warming up a bit, and the cats seem to have pulled through. I guess animals mostly know how to cope with cold, at least animals as adaptable as cats. That is a very strange dream. I'm guessing Freud would say it has something with you yearning for clearer understanding...maybe of our modern political scene?

    1. Well, I think Freud was a misogynist crackpot so I don't think that's it. More like not ready to walk into the light. Just kidding, well, not about Freud.

  5. Cats are ancestrally nocturnal and I suspect that ancient genes compel your cats to seek the comfort of the night rather than the warmth of your shed.

    1. I got them into the shed easily enough last year for several nights when temperatures were in the teens and they curled up in the boxes next to the heater I had put in there but they were only about 6 months old then. Now fully adult they weren't having it.

  6. I love that you tried to help the cats, but they are who they are. I'm intrigued to see the final painting. I've had that kind of dream before too - sometimes I get up & try to move around & do things even with my eyes closed (usually trying to find a bathroom - ha!).

    1. It's a very weird dream, struggling to open my eyes and then being blinded by the light.

  7. Those feral cats would scratch the walls and doors if you'd lock them in anyway. One of our cats would never stay indoors until she was really old. I am looking forward to see the progress of your art work.

    1. I managed to get them in last winter for a couple of nights in the teens with no trouble but they were only 6 months old then and happy to curl up in the boxes I put in there next to the heater. Not so much as adults.

  8. Outdoor Cats have a Mind of their Own and they'll find warmth and a place they like to hole up. Most would Freak Out if they felt trapped, so it's just as well you let them choose where to Winter shelter themselves.

    1. I managed to get them in last winter for a couple of nights in the teens with no trouble but they were only 6 months old then and happy to curl up in the boxes I put in there next to the heater. Not so much as adults. Less worried about them as adults and it didn't get as cold.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.