Saturday, November 16, 2024

ordinary days

Monday afternoon I was to go in for a 3 month follow up ultrasound on my repaired femoral artery. Monday morning the office called and canceled, the tech was home sick. They would try and reschedule, squeeze me in, before my follow up office visit to get the results of the ultrasound on Wednesday morning. I heard nothing. Showed up Wednesday morning, explained to the receptionist what had transpired. She consulted with the tech. He had an appointment coming in soon but figured he could do the legs and schedule the aorta for later. I’m like, uh, aorta? No just the leg, the artery repair. We do both on everyone he says. Turned out it wasn’t just a look at the repair of the femoral artery, he did both legs from hip to feet, told me this would be the easiest test he did all day, that most people who come in have serious leg and circulation problems, and since he still had time, went ahead and did the aorta as well. Final report during the office visit with the doctor…some cholesterol but nothing to worry about, no blockages, repaired femoral artery good, good circulation but decreasing toward my feet which is normal and age related, no need to think about any intervention at this point, come back in six months and we’ll do it all again, and I’m released to do any activity I want. I didn’t tell him I was already doing every activity I wanted.

And then Wednesday evening I led the yoga class. Thursday was SHARE and a food delivery day from the regional food bank in Victoria. It was a small order because they just didn’t have very much on the list and I expect that to get worse as we get into Trump’s term. We got something like 28 turkeys to give out next week that she orders every year for the week before Thanksgiving but I’m not sure if they came from the food bank or elsewhere, and the food bank sent so many big bags of marshmallows that Jan made us all take home a bag whether we wanted them or not.

The past several days have been glorious blue sky days, mild temperatures and low humidity. Even dipped down in the 40s Thursday night. Today, Saturday is warmer and overcast and actually feels kind of like an early spring day. I’ve been working on cutting up the big pile I pruned off the monster rose bush, four mounded up cart loads on the burn pile so far and I don’t think I’ve even got half yet. finally got the back flowerbed weeded yesterday and ready to spread out the poppy seeds a friend gave me since mine have stopped volunteering back. That’s on the agenda for today.

Last night’s full moon rising.

I fixed egg foo yung, sort of a chinese omelet but ladled out and cooked like pancakes with a savory gravy, for dinner last night. 

I’ve made this a couple of times before and it always turned out well but not last night for whatever reason and the gravy never did really thicken enough and somewhere around midnight my intestines rejected it and I spent the next two hours racing to the bathroom. 

And just so I don’t end on that unpleasant note…dog and Cat.


  1. We've had the same glorious weather and aren't we happy? Yes. We are.
    Also happy to hear about your ultra sound. Excellent news. And now excuse me, I must go weed in the garden!

  2. Sorry about the dinner disaster. Yes those sweet animals look very peaceful, and a good thing to send out to us to remember from your post! I'm glad you didn't put marshmallows into the omelet!

  3. You sure have a beautiful beaver moon. We have snow forecast for Thanksgiving.

  4. Love the moon-rise. It was sort of anemic here, I did not realize it was a super moon.

  5. Great moon. Last night here it seemed huge.

  6. Glad to hear the good news from the doctor, Ellen!

  7. I laughed at your aside: " I didn’t tell him I was already doing every activity I wanted." That's just so 'you.' Your photo of the moon is glorious. By the time I noticed it, there wasn't time for me to search out a spot away from trees and buildings, so I let it go. I'm glad you didn't!

    1. it was really a serendipitous photo. I was coming back from the grocery store when I saw it rising over the fallow field and got out to take the picture. I'd have missed it if I hadn't had to go to the store to get the chicken broth I needed for dinner.

  8. Your moon photo looks like a shot from the African savannah! All you need are a few giraffes nibbling from that tree. Glad the doctor thing worked out well after that initial scheduling setback.

  9. We saw that gorgeous moon on our way to Dr. M's surgery (at 6:00 a.m. - crazy hour for us to be out & about)! We didn't try to get a photo. Well, I would have, but I was driving & Mike would have yelled at me so I restrained myself.

  10. Apart from dodgy egg (how old?) this is excellent news!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.