Thursday, November 7, 2019

back to work

I finally did something proactive Tuesday toward getting ready for the open house. I drew up cartoons of the feathers in a frame/shadow box to determine shape and dimension and corresponded with my brother, a talented woodworker, who offered to make them for me. 

Now I need to quit procrastinating and get over to the shop to do the cold work on the feathers and the heron box. And I'm ready to try the snowflake ornaments again. I have frames for two of the pieces in stands which involves some woodworking and am having a frame made for the third one. I even made a list to tick things off of.

I spent Tuesday morning in the dentist chair getting prepped for the third of 5 crowns and the seating of the second. None of this is new damage but replacing decades old failing dental work and the resultant decay. Yay me. I'm putting off the last two til after New Year's. Since my insurance only covers x-rays, cleaning, and exam every six months and we are retired for the most part it's nice that they are only charging me what the insurance would pay instead of the walk in price but it's still a hefty chunk of money per tooth.

So yesterday I did get over to the shop and got the cold work on the feathers done except for the blue jay feather as it needs to be re-powdered and re-fired and started on the heron box again. This time I'm refitting the inlay, which no longer fits flat, first before I grind the bottom again. I'm trying to minimize the amount of grinding I do in the recess and instead mostly working on the back of the inlay. I got it pretty close before I quit for the day. The box is not as crisp as it was before we re-fired it but I hope it's pretty enough.

We've had a few really gorgeous days in a row and some outstanding skies

though a front with rain is coming in today and I need to get out there and clean out one of the gutters before it starts raining again and then head over to the shop.


  1. You're getting it done. Do you ever feel like your brain has a time sense when it comes to things like this and maps out your schedule for you? I feel that way some times.

    1. sometimes. I'm a big procrastinator but it does seem like I kick into gear at the right time to get it all done even if I am sliding in on my butt at the last minute.

  2. I'm a huge procrastinator. Also, I don't have a good sense of myself in the flow of time. I'm ALWAYS surprised when a birthday or holiday "sneaks up on me." Even if I put a reminder on my phone two weeks ahead of time.

    Those are amazing skies!

  3. Buzzy buzzy bee. So much to do so little time as they say. It's been overcast all day and raining too. My rain barrels are overflowing now so ti had to run out and disconnect the rain spout hose and let the rain water run out to the pecan trees through the rain spout. David fixed it up that way. The front is about over us and I can feel the pressure on my back. Man that's a killer! It get's so dark here when this happens. Take care the front is on it's way, dear.

  4. Are you happy with it all? I would be so discourage if something I worked on did not come out as I had hoped? Your work seems as much serendipity as concept.

    1. I'm not as happy with it as I was before it cracked and I had to re-fire it. At this point I just want to be done with it. I'll reserve judgement until I have it all put together.

  5. Wonderful skies. That corkscrew cloud has a name, but I don't recall what it is. I just looked. Lenticular.

  6. You have so much energy and so much talent. I wish I had half of what you have.

  7. Love the sky, listening to the forecast here telling me the wind chill will be ZERO on Monday!

  8. Congratulations on having the mindset for recurring dentist visits. And thank you for exceptional skies to look at.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.