Monday, September 21, 2015

apparently I almost killed myself yesterday

It's Monday and I can barely move, not to mention the many ant bites and wounds I sustained. (and considering the many typos that were in that first sentence, even my fingers are tired.)

I spent the day yesterday doing two major chores outside. The grass over at the shop, while getting mowed with regularity, had not been trimmed since early summer and it was high and thick and the sidewalk in front that leads to the old dog pen had been completely covered up. I spent a couple of hours over there, filling the cartridge 3 times before I quit and I still did not uncover all the sidewalk. I did get all the way around the building and around the bunker and around the sandblasting hut but first thing I killed a little toad and a little grass snake that must have been hanging out together. I felt terrible because I didn't think. Of course little creatures would be snugged down in all that high grass feeling safe. So, after that I started out high, working down to give them time to escape. I guess it worked because I didn't kill anything else and the only other thing I saw was a little green tree frog which I scooped up and moved to safety.

Since I quit maintaining the pool a couple of weeks ago after the grandboy's last long weekend, the other thing I did was to net out all the leaves and finish draining the pool and get it scrubbed, dismantled, and rinsed and then hosed off the tarp that was underneath. I still need to get everything folded and put away.

And I still need to trim around the flower beds here at the house. That may or may not get done today. (I'm guessing not.)

Last night just after 9 PM, Minnie was acting like she needed to go out so we went around to the door to the Little Backyard and we stepped out onto the tiny little patio outside the door and came face to face with a youngster possum at the edge of the patio. The possum, Minnie, and I all startled and before Minnie could react I snatched her up, stepped back in the house, and closed the screen door. When I looked back out the little possum was nowhere to be seen but that didn't stop Minnie from barking like mad for about the next 10 minutes. Needless to say any business she might have been contemplating was completely forgotten.

Well, Marc is headed into the city today to pick up the stencil material so we can do the job that's on the table in the shop. The glass needs to be installed on Friday since the people are moving in on Monday.


  1. First rule of my back: don't ever work that hard. Hire someone. I sympathy ache for you.

  2. If there is a baby, often there may be more.

  3. Considering the original purpose of the trip, I'm glad Minnie didn't get - um - TOO surprised.

  4. Once again- you are too much like me. Although lately I haven't had the energy to kill myself. This worries me.

  5. two of my dogs had a critter treed this morning - not sure if possum or raccoon. they finally gave up when it got hot today and came inside.

  6. Busy day yesterday for the animal kingdom of your yard. Rest and recuperate!

  7. sorry about the toad and snake, it was their time, they had a good life and wanted desperately to reincarnate as something bigger, something more terrifying. Mr. Man ran over a mama mouse, rescued the three babies which we kept in a broken aquarium. They were shy and very cute, all but one died, we took the third to the forest by the lake...he probably drowned or was eaten was his time, in the right place , right time, might have come back as a puppy, who knows.

  8. oh, and stop killing yourself RIGHT NOW!!!

  9. I am surprised that you even have the strength to type this post. Some of those tasks you described would put me in bed for a week.

  10. Baby possums don't travel alone, do they? I wonder where mom and the siblings are.

  11. I always felt terrible when I killed a toad while mowing, back when I lived in Florida. But it happens.

    At least you saved the possum from a certain mauling! (And maybe Minnie too!)

  12. I always feel a great since of accomplishment when I get so much done. I go to bed feeling great and tired ...... then pay dearly the next day!
    We have a possum living in the barn, one of the reasons I never enter. He could be laying in wait in so many junky places.

  13. Oh goodness, you made me tired with your list of doings. I hope you rested and are better today.

  14. Weed trimming is Mike's job - and I am NOT taking that on. No sirree - I know I'd trim my foot by accident. :)

  15. Busy, busy, busy... You make me feel almost guilty about having done almost nothing today, even though I have four (maybe 7) boxes, needing sorting, sitting in the middle of the bedroom *sigh*.

    Minnie the Brave made me smile. ;-)


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.