Monday, March 17, 2025

working outside and special prosthetics

All I’ve done since I last posted is be outside, work outside, well, except Thursday which is SHARE day, run errands, late lunch, walk the dog, feed the outdoor cats, and yoga. The weather has been sublime, blue sky, low humidity, not too warm, though windy except for Sunday. I got all the fertilizer and landscapers mix turned in (finally got the ants out of the flower bed) and scattered the zinnia seeds, got the tomato plants in the ground, planted all the various bulbs and rhizomes of the hidden ginger I dug up from Pam’s house (I have no idea what some of them are) in three different flower beds. 

I originally had four water gardens…the turtle pond with the lizard tail, the small kidney shaped pond that had parrot feather, a small round pond that had sword leaf in it that I grew to feed Big Mama, and a small round pond that has a tiny little water lily type plant. After Big Mama made her Great Escape I emptied the kidney shaped pond putting the parrot feather in the big turtle tank. This weekend I emptied the round pond with the sword leaf and added that to the turtle tank so now I just have that and the small pond with the tiny water lily.

I cut back all the dead morning glory bush which was already coming out over at Pam’s and finished clearing out the east side of the shop leaving as much of the dewberry vines as possible which are blooming.

My green beans, cucumbers, and squash are sprouting as are the heavenly blue morning glories and a few of the nasturtiums.

Things are blooming! The azaleas are magnificent, the Chinese fringe flower tree is a flame, the redbud tree and peach tree are in full bloom, the wisteria is starting. 

Just about all the trees with the exception of the pecans, because they are always last and the most skeptical, are putting out their new leaves.

Today I made a batch of tomato sauce. Last Thursday was a food delivery day and we got boxes of roma tomatoes from the regional food bank and since it was a slow day for us we had a lot left over. When that happens, when we get perishable food we have left and that won't last another week, the volunteers take home what they want. Here they are slow roasted with olive oil and garlic for 3 1/2 hours ready to be pureed with some dried herbs, vacuum sealed in bags, and put in the freezer.

On another subject entirely, we’ve been watching the third season of White Lotus which is a luxury resort. Each season is in a different location and about the lives and relationships of the staff and wealthy guests with some recurring characters from previous seasons. The show has a lot of nudity and sexual activity, male and female, but it turns out that while the women are au naturel, the men wear prosthetics for their full frontal scenes, the stars anyway, the peripheral or background male nudity, no. I find this rather amusing, I mean, who knew there were testicle and penis prosthetics, and who decides, the actors or the director wanting them to appear to be ‘impressive’? Does it count as a full monty if the guy is wearing a fake?


  1. Well, all that garden certainly isn't fake.

  2. Well, I learned something today!

  3. Codex: Thank you for making me laugh. Hell of a sentence: "After Big Mama made her Great Escape I emptied the kidney shaped pong putting the parrot feather in the big turtle tank"

    Flowers are pretty. Which one is the purple one?
    Saw Nice Guys with Crowe/Gosling think you'll enjoy it.

  4. Fake junk, that is hilarious! Still winter here and it is getting old. Your color and growing things are so gorgeous!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.