Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm going to be MIA for a few days.

I'm trying to be more productive. It just seems like days go by and I haven't accomplished anything. I know that's not true but I'm just not seeing any fruits right now.

Heading into town for the day taking Mom's place at her youngest daughter's school play. Her son's graduation from Middle School is tonight as well.

My sister is have a barn sale tomorrow and Saturday. Her husband was a tool pack rat and when he couldn't immediately put his hand on something he would go out and buy a new one. Dozens of hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, shovels. Power tools and accessories, plumbing supplies, shop fans and kerosene heaters. You get the picture. She wants me there at 6:30. AM.

See you on the flip side.


  1. Tools for sale...? POWER tools...??? Ooooh...

    I'll be there at 6.

    It's a guy thing. You wouldn't understand.

  2. Oooohhh, TOOLS! Wish I was closer...I need more junk for my trunk. [I know what you mean about "productivity" What have I done thi year???]

  3. Yep Jeff... tools is a guy thing, but then I like to have my own little tool kit.
    Have a good trip into town, enjoy graduation & the play and good luck at the tool sale!

  4. I like the variety of people at sales like that, it all sounds fun.

  5. M-I-A is good some times ... Have F-U-N :)

  6. Say hi to your sister for us and give her our best.

    The same thing happened when all our relatives downsized/passed away. I ended up with Home Depot.

    Take care and have fun.

  7. commitments, family dances: i love the afterglow of these sorts of things. steven

  8. Who is MIA?

    Kidding...enjoy, sounds like a wonderful adventure to me.

  9. Have a good one, Ellen. I bet the play will be spectacular.

    You should buy a shovel, or at least a screwdriver; these things always come in handy!

    I'm going MIA, too, just too lazy to create a post that says so.

  10. I hear you about feeling unproductive!! We are just perfectionists and OCD'ers! Ha!!
    Enjoy the sale!! She, I know, appreciates your help!!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.