Wednesday I went with my friend who is undergoing treatment for cancer to one of her doctor appointments. Because we live in a rural county it’s a two hour drive there and back, or nearly so, to certain appointments and treatment so when I can I accompany her to keep her company. On the way there I checked the weather forecast for the next arctic vortex barreling down on us. The first front turned out to be not that severe and most everything survived with little or no damage. This next one, no suck luck. They are predicting high to mid 20s for three nights Saturday through Monday and then Tuesday a low of 18˚ and the temperature will never rise above freezing. So the azalea buds forming will freeze; all the various lilies, the fire spike, the banana trees, the morning glory bush, the rangoon creeper, the pink trumpet flower, and more will all freeze to the ground. And if that’s not bad enough, we might get snow and if not snow, freezing rain. Yay.
I’m going to have to get Handsome Boy, Lovey, Twin, and Momcat in the shed with the little heater for one night at least. Feral Ghost will be on his own. I’m wondering if I can get them to follow me to the shop and get them in the studio for that night as it’s insulated and much more space. I’m not sure they’ll go in even if I put their food in there.
Add to that the impending doom of the incoming administration of unqualified ass kissers whose only desire is to carry out the demented orders of a guy whose emotional maturity stopped developing when he was five so my mood isn’t great today. As such, I’m limiting my exposure to all the depressing reports. It will do me no good to continue to read about the horrible people and horrible policies that are almost upon us. I know it’s going to be bad. How does that go? My need to be informed is at odds with my need for sanity. Something like that. If not sanity, serenity. Reading about it over and over will not stop it from happening. All we can do is resist. Of course if Hegseth gets okayed for the Department of Defense we might get shot in the legs for resisting.
The only rainbows likely for the next four years will be on my walls on sunny mornings.
Progress has been slow on the new painting, haven’t had much time to work on it this week but I’ll be mostly housebound Sunday through Wednesday so maybe I’ll get it finished. In the meantime here’s where I’m at. Keep in mind that the colors are more intense/saturated than the actual painting. I’m using a picture that I printed out years ago from a photo I took when I was working on the cast glass series of which this was one, the drawing I did of this, and pictures on the internet that I searched for but haven’t printed out for reference. In the end it’s probably not going to look like any of the sources but that’s ok. I’m liking what I have so far.