Monday and Tuesday were very windy, horrid windy, drive you insane windy. It rained Monday morning and then this cold front started blowing in. Coming back from yoga as the sun was setting the sky in the east looked like this. This is not the peak, I missed that. It had started to fade before I got to a spot where I could pull over with a clear view of the sky.
Tuesday had sustained wind over 25 mph (I don’t remember what it was exactly, higher I think) with gusts up to 49 mph (this I do remember). This is the brush pile from the limbs and branches that fell Monday through Wednesday, mostly from the two enormous oaks trees but some from the pecans.
Wednesday I rearranged the garage back into it’s spring, summer, and fall configuration moving the boxes to collect recyclables against the back wall; swept out the leaves, folded and put all the sheets, tarps, and plastic bags I use to cover things back into their tub, took out the mats and shook them off, used the leaf blower to clear out the last of the dirt and debris. Looks pretty good in there except for the big table which is a catch-all and desperately needs to be cleaned off and organized. There’s stuff on there that’s been there for years.
We watched the last (8th) episode of season 1 of Paradise on Hulu this week. It’s really very good. Paradise is a small town of 25,000 hand picked people built in a hollowed out mountain in Colorado by the richest people in America to withstand and survive a worldwide cataclysmic event (which we don’t learn the nature of until episode 7). In the first episode the president is found murdered and the head of his personal security team begins his own investigation when the person who truly controls and is in charge of Paradise shuts down an official investigation. The creator envisioned a 3 season run of the story and it has been renewed for season 2.
Today I’m going to finish getting the garden areas ready and start planting.
Among the horrid and power grabbing stuff Trump and Republicans are forcing on the American people I came across these concerning the transgender:
From SM on Tuesday. In response to Trump’s and Republican’s obsessive hate towards trans individuals that make up only about 1% of the population (estimates vary between .6% and 1.6% of people 13 and older who identify as trans) and his claim that whole girl’s and women’s sport teams in schools across America are made up of nothing but trans girls and women (the actual number of trans girls participating in sports in grades K - 12 in all of America is 5), the United States Senate proposed this bill…the Protection of Women’s and Girl’s in Sports Bill. If passed, this bill would mandate genital inspections of girls and women at all age levels before they would be allowed to participate in sports. Fifty one of the 53 Republican senators voted for this. Let that sink in. Republicans want to have girls and women expose themselves for inspection before they will be allowed to participate in sports. Not boys and men, mind you, they don’t seem to object to trans men participating in sports, just girls and women. How fucked up is that.
This comes right on the heels of Trump pardoning Lairon Graham convicted of sex trafficking and trafficking fentanyl and welcoming Andrew Tate, newly arrived back in the US, to Mar A Lago who is under investigation in Romania for rape and sex trafficking.
More transphobia on Trump’s part, he claimed in his address to Congress that $8M was spent making mice transgender because he does not understand the meaning of the word transgenic which is a gene splicing technique used in scientific research. It does not make mice transgender. The man is a moron.
And in Republican controlled Texas a “gender identity fraud” bill has been introduced that would make it a felony for a trans person to make any verbal or written statement affirming their gender identity at their job or to any government entity that is not the gender assigned to them at birth.
What the actual fuck? What are these people so afraid of? That they might unknowingly take a walk on the wild side? That they might be attracted to a woman who turns out to be trans? Horrors! Because I guarantee they don’t give a fuck about trans men.